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"okay class is over, i have absolutely nothing else to say to you all." and just like that, everyone started talking.

all different types of conversations, like,
"what are you doing today after school?"
"i love your hair today!"
"ahh! sorry kacchan!"
"shut up deku."
"so, y/n, are you free tonight?"

ooh! that one! at the end... yeah that was kirishima and that dude has one big crush on y/n. that girl was so oblivious to it.

but, it wasn't right of him to like her because she wasn't single. she was going out with the katsuki bakugou.

now the only reason why kirishima hasn't tried to rip them apart is because y/n always looked so damn happy with her boyfriend whenever they were together.

"oh, yeah i think i am. why?"

"i uh, i was just asking. i wanted to know if you wanted to go to the arcade with me."

she nodded and held up a finger to 'hold on.'

she walked over to her boyfriend and asked him if they were doing anything that night and he shook his head and shoo'd her away.

"no, i'm free. we can go. what time should i meet you there?"

"is five good?" she nodded and waved as she walked to her best friend, uraraka. they've been friends for about 4 years.

"hey ochako!"

"hey y/n! what are you doing tonight?" y/n looked over to kirishima and back to her. "me and kiri are going to the arcade."

she nodded her head and took a fast glance towards another person, then back to y/n.

"okay. well you have fun! i might just stay home tonight... i have no one to hang out with." she sighs, not long after it a frown appeared on both of the girls' faces.

"well do you want to go with me and kiri? i'll stay home and call you over?"

just then the bell rung which meant school was over.

"no, you don't have to, but thanks! love you, see you tomorrow!"

y/n waved to the brown haired girl and walked back to kirishima. "you should come pick me up at five, i don't really want to walk."

"i guess i could."

after getting out of her school clothes, she put on something fitting for the occasion of going out with kirishima.

it was exactly 5:30pm when the doorbell rung and y/n ran down the stairs towards the door, beating her mom to it.

"hey, y/n." she smiled, "hi."

if she was being honest, she didn't really think she should do it.

her boyfriend didn't like when she even talked to other guys. let alone, kirishima. whenever she talked to kirishima, he'd get overwhelmingly mad.

but deep down she though she deserved to hang out with a guy friend. especially a guy who was 'nicer' than her boyfriend. but that 'deep down' didn't occur to her at the moment.

she just felt bad.

"ready to go?" she nodded, turning around to tell her mom, "i'm going now!"

being returned a "take care and be safe!", she left with the cute redhead.

she got in his red vehicle and the took off to the arcade.

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