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I had been standing, staring at my bag for about ten minutes now. Everyone was already pissed off so I was wondering why we are still doing this. Regardless I still tried to pack a bag, knowing Maggie, she would find a way around everyone's anger. Just then, she began calling. 'Here we go' I said internally. "Hey Maggie" I answered. "Sophie, are you guys ready, my cab is about to come over." Her squeaky voice echoed in my phone . I looked over to where Nichole was laying down, already so upset, then looked back to my half packed bag. "I don't think this is such a good idea Mag, you know how annoying it always is at his place and Nichole is already so angry, I just don't want to have a bad night" I finally answered. "Oh my gosh, Sophie, why is Nichole angry? I already told her the plan earlier and Mason is already upset we didn't show up yesterday." Mason was a mutual friend of ours. He was on the plus side, not so tall but tall enough. We don't vibe that well but like I said, mutual friends.
"Can you guys just get your things together I'm coming over right now" with that the line went dead. I sighed to myself already knowing how this night was going to turn out. I looked over to Nichole, trying to see if I could make her feel better. "Hey, so why are you really upset?" I asked still trying to pack my bag. "I just hate how Maggie imposes things on us, she doesn't even ask she's just like 'oh you guys, we're going somewhere', it just gets annoying sometimes, you know?"
"Yeah I know, but let's do this for Mason not Maggie"
She rolled her eyes but got up to put her things together. Nichole always said she had a weird vibe with Mason so doing it for any of them wouldn't motivate her either ways. Thank goodness regardless.
Mason pulled up at the front of our dorm in less than ten minutes. Carrie in the passenger seat and Maggie at the back, we took our place beside Maggie and he zoomed off. After an awkward five minute drive, we were at Mason's house. I got out of the car as quickly as possible. I knew it was only a matter of time before Maggie and Nichole begin arguing and indeed they did.
I walked into the living room to meet Mason's two other friends, Lucas and Tripp. Just then I knew Mason was up to something. There was this unspoken dynamic between his friends and mine.
Mason always loved hanging out with Carrie, everyone (in his clique and mine) knew they were sexually involved but neither of them would admit to it.
Then there was Tripp, he's a natural flirt but for some reason he has a strong thing for Nichole. They are sexually involved and they both would admit to it.
Finally we have Lucas, the kinda laid back guy you always find with a blunt. About a year ago he had this obsession with Maggie and he never tried to hide it. Although now I hear he's dating a freshman so that has probably changed.
At this point, I knew it was really going to be a long night.
"Hey guys, what's up" I took my seat at the empty couch waiting for my friends to come in. I knew I couldn't hold a conversation with either of the for more than five minutes. "Sophie, babe, how are you doing?" Tripp said with his loud voice. I smiled, "I'm great, school's just got me so worked up". Really Sophie, the best topic you could come up with is school smh. "Yeah, I know how it is" Tripp replied.
"Finally this argument is over" Mason says as he walks into the room, my friends at his back. Oh thank God. Maggie and Nichole come to sit beside me and Carrie with Mason on the couch Lucas was on.
In less than two minutes, there was loud music playing, drinks on the centre table and smoke ash slightly littered. Nichole was already dancing which was a surprising change of moods for her. Mason, being extra as ever, was jumping to the song. In summary, I was the only one still on the couch although Lucas was in the corner smoking his joint.
"Oh my gosh Sophie, get up and dance" Maggie shouted, coming towards me to pull me up. This is not my scene, Alessia Cara's 'here' was playing through my head the entire time. I decided to take a shot seeing if it will get me a bit hyper. It didn't. I just moved to the rhythm of the song, pretending I was already tipsy. As I was dancing I felt the bulge of a man behind me. I looked back to see it was Mason. This isn't awkward at all. I was okay with it until I wanted to go sit down and he didn't let me go. What is he doing? I tried using a little more force but he kept pulling me back. I could feel Carrie's gaze burning into my skin already.
"Mason, leave the girl alone" I heard Tripp say from across the room. He just let out a loud laugh and let me go "Sophie don't mind me" he went over to the stereo to reduce the music making it just a background sound.
"Okay guys, let's do something else" he said. Everyone went to find a place to sit. We were all mixed up now. He then filled up all the shot glasses. "It's time for truth or dare" he said with a mischevious smile.
I can't begin to explain how much I loathe that game. I always takes me out of my comfort zone in a way I don't like. Everyone else seemed excited so I might as well act excited.
"Okay these are the rules of the game" he began "You either do your dare or take a shot. you're entitled to only three shots and three truths. Does everyone get it?". We all mumbled in acceptance. Everytime I had a dare with Peter or Tripp, I would drink because, well, girl code. It was all good until Peter dared Lucas to have a thirty second make out session with me. I honestly don't know what Mason had against me but it wasn't amusing anymore. He hadn't taken any shots since the game started so he was good. But then he stood up and started towards me. Wait what? He put a hand out to me. I looked at Maggie who was looking right at me and smiling. Okay then. But he still has a girlfriend. "Let me know when the time starts" Lucas said, eyes boring into mine. "Ready when you are fam" Mason said. I was still so confused. And before I could lay a nest for my thoughts, Lucas grabbed me from my thighs and hoisted me up. My legs unconsciously wrapped itself round his lean body. I didn't think he could lift me up but then I'm actually quite small, I'm pretty sure anyone could lift me up. With my hands around his neck, we started making out. He walked slowly to the wall which wasn't far behind me for support.
As the seconds passed, my mind zeroed out all the background voices. All I could focus on was this amazing weed flavoured kiss. I could stay this way for a while. I was abruptly interrupted by the loud pronunciation of thirty from Mason. Lucas dropped me to the ground and I immediately regained my composure. He went over to his seat and I to mine.
The game finally ended. Carrie had gone to bed early. I think she had a fight with Mason. Maggie had passed out on the couch. Light headed as always. Nichole and Tripp were on the other couch, cuddling, making out, I don't know. I wasn't interested in that. I was sitting at the foot of the couch, on the floor with Lucas. Mason was on the one-sitter with his piano. Playing some songs he wrote. The room was now dimly lit. The chemistry now between Lucas and I was undeniable. It was probably the alcohol talking. He had his hand round my waist and was slightly caressing my bare laps. It was quite obvious we both wanted to continue from where we stopped. But then Mason. He kept asking Lucas some irrelevant questions or telling me the lyrics of his songs to sing along. I kept wondering why he was interrupting us and it got so annoying. I stood up and asked "Do you guys mind me turning off the lights?" The table side lamp which was the only light left, for total darkness. "Why would you want to do that?" Mason asked as if he was taken unaware.
"Yes, turn it off. It's pissing me off" Tripp yelled from the corner. The look of defeat on Mason's face gave me the go ahead. It was pitch dark. I found my way back to my spot.
As if on cue, immediately I got down to the floor, he wrapped his hand round me and laid a soft kiss on my lips and moved back as though asking for permission. I placed my hand at the side of his face and pulled him back in.
We were making out for a while when a sudden light shone on us. Mason has put the TV on. At this point, neither of us minded. As if wanting to show off, Lucas grabbed my left thigh and pulled me over him. I was immediately turned on by the feel of his buldge in between my legs. He kissed me more intensely now, moving from my upper lip to my lover lip, hands caressing my back working it's way down. My body pressed against his, grinding my crotch against his, feeling the heat of the moment.
Few moments later, I realized the room was back to black and Mason wasn't in it anymore. Oh well.
I retracted from Lucas, "I think I should go to bed"
"Yeah, yeah me too." With that I was off him. I walked towards the hallway leading to the bedroom, stopped halfway and looked back. "Good night". He turned to look at me and with a small smile he replied "Good night Sophie".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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