Boston Boy - Prologue

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You held onto your bag,staring at the paper you had in your hand,a woman- Miss Pauling from what you had remembered- was going to pick you up,you signed up for some mercenary job,it had a good wage of money that would help you Mother and your sisters at home.

Since your father left your mom for a woman with more money and how she had a great body was bullshit and didn't leave any money left for your mother,she did what she could to treat you and your sisters,once you,and your elder siblings had grew older,you all tried different jobs- from maids looking for loose change,from waiters trying their best to get good tips,to working as a bartender at a dying bar,you all did what you could,and since you saw how much the pay was,you wanted to sign up immediately,you didn't care if you HAD to kill others just for a large payment,as long it was for your family. It was worth it.

You turned to your mother with a sad smile,she teared up as she hugged you,you were so little,and now you were a mature young woman,you hugged back,looking up to your mom as you gave her a small,but slightly sad smile.

"Its okay mom,its a private army,they have a good pay,so please,use the money wisely,alright?"

She nodded and sniffed,you lied about the mercenary job,you didn't want your mom to think you were some murderer.

"I will my little girl. Stay safe,okay? Try calling me every morning and night,send me messages to let me know that your alright,okay? Make sure you chat with your siblings too-"

"Mom? Your rambling,i'll be fine,i'll call you every night before bed,and video chat with you and the family each morning before they head to school."

You said with a smile,your mom hugging you tightly as you felt her shake and release a small sob,you gently pat her back,watching your elder sister- Jannah,walk up to both of you with a sad smile with her own,your mom let go of you,before your elder sister held you in a bone crushing hug.

"My little sister is grown up now! I remember what you looked like when you were first born."

Your sister said with a smile,kissing your forehead,you were definitely going to miss your family,Jannah and your mother were the only ones who came to say goodbye,your elder siblings were working- and were still in college,so it was class hours- and your little sisters were still in school too.

Noticing as you saw a black van pulling up with a woman wearing glasses,a lavender-shade outfit,and a bun had parked beside you guys.

"Excuse me Miss- are you (Y/n) (L/n)?"

"Yes I am- i'm guessing your Miss Pauling?"

The woman nodded,you told her to wait a moment,turning back to your relatives with a soft smile.

"Tell everyone i'll miss them,and that I love them,alright?"

Your mother nodded as she had contained herself from breaking down,you waved as you took your bag,opened the back of the van,and put your bags in.

"Make sure to record Leona's first steps."

You said with a grin,your mother and your sister nodding,closing the back door,you entered the passenger seat as you sighed,wiping a few stray tears away from your eyes,you waved at your family as Miss Pauling had slowly driven off.

"You seem like a sweet girl. Why did you sign up for the mercenary job?"

Miss Pauling asked,you sighed,your hands clasping together.

"My family is struggling with money,so the pay was the only way to help them,my two elder sisters who are in college try their best to pay off their student loans,and my mom is struggling with money for food- and household supplies,along with some overdue bills."

You spoke truthfully,Miss Pauling gave you a sideways glance before speaking again.

"Thats kind of you. But if you want to leave,your free to leave,if you don't like the battlefield,you can leave,but in two days,you will receive full training from your new team- the Reds."

"The Reds?"

You asked quite confused.

"Their a team,but the opposing team are the Blu's,your teammates are Medic,Heavy,Spy,Scout,Demoman,Engineer,Soldier,Pyro and Sniper,each one will give you a full day of training,but I suggest you seek training from Scout,Soldier,Medic,Engineer and Sniper."

She said,before speaking again.

"What are your traits- like,talents."

"Well- I don't know if being fast as hell and being really good at aiming and baseball are talents but-"

"You should train with Scout- he may seem a little...immature for his age,but he means well. He's from Boston,and you should be careful since he's kind of a flirt."

She spoke,you nodded,taking in the information.

"Its gonna be a long ride,so you can just fall asleep if you'd like."

Miss Pauling said,you nodded,closing your eyes as you had rested,falling asleep not so long after.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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Boston Boy - Red!Scout x Fem!Reader - Story and OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now