Love, strenth and devotion

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Meet riazah and rain they both came from a medium worth of society we lived in, they both came from a good family were simplicity is there Devine guidances.
They've known each other in a game called (ML) mobile legends, yes you've heard it right, ohhh everyone must be related on this ,, yes'',that is there first moment, well nobody knows where there love story go but to make it interesting here we go.
They have both experienced a so called good relationship and failure in the past in short they've experience of falling in love being devoted, misunderstood and lifted but (Riazah) is a shy type of girl, she's a kind of girl whose not ordinary, she's mysterious that don't even bother how she look like in front of others , well I can say is she's the opposite type of girl that every boy maybe dreamed of.
Beside there differences the two committed each other to meet for the first time, and by this time (Rain) determined to stand with (Riazah) forever and he will do everything to win the trust of (Riazah) in spite of there separate ways of living the two swear by there hearts that there both be there for each other.
The time,days and months seem fly so fast that the two didn't realized that they've been there for each other so long, but then unexpected things happened for some reasons that we couldn't understand, Rain suddenly got sick and need to stay in his hometown for a long period of time, Rain ask kaso Riazah if she could go along with him, and because love will do anything Riazah agreed to accompany Rain in his hometown even though Riazah don't even know what will be going to happen for both of them, what was in his mind by the time is she could take good care of rain.
Even if Riazah being bothered of what will her family think about her, all she's been thinking is the best for rain, and a chance for the both of them to know each other🥰 by all means they both manage to reach rains hometown and while rain got hospitalized, Riazah make sure that rain will get all the care and love he needed, in spite of the fact that Riazah is different from the culture that rain has into, Riazah manage herself to go with along In rains family side.
Rain also make sure that Riazah will not feel alone, the fact that there different from where they have came from, they both nurtured each other theLove and restpect they needed.
In relationship also we cannot always say that everything will be perfect , because every relationship will encounter mis understanding and fight to test each other's patient,the good news about the both of them is rain and Riazah both overcome the struggle and the fights they have been face from the phase of there relationship they both mature enough to face each other's flaws and imperfections.

As rain gotten better after he had been treated the two lovers came back from the reality they lived into whereby there work waited for them but rain and Riazah wanted to be here in each other, that is why they've decided to be in one place will Rain's family had work to, but decided to live in a different houses 🏘 to respect there both family,. Because even though they think that the thing they do is far better than they will dreamed of each other, the fact that they have respected there both family they prove also that there intensions is good both for them and the others to think,. But no matter what others will say or others may think about them as long as they always love and respect each other little sacrifices is valuable for both of them.,, a devoted single person is far better than the riches one...

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