Biology (Aidan)

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NOTE: You and aidan are 16 in this one shot <3. And i made aidan taller than he actually is lol i know how short my baby boy is XD. I have horrible grammar but if someone would be my editor id love that <3 



"Y/N Your gonna be late for school if you don't get up!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

I sprung out of bed grabbing some clothes and running to the bathroom. Brushing my hair and my teeth while putting on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and some edgy band shirt cause i felt like it that day.

I then grabbed my shoes and phone running down the stairs to where my mom was cooking breakfast.

"Good morning hun." My mom spoke while flipping a pancake.

"Morning mom." I said smiling brightly kissing her cheek.

"Your gonna be late if you don't get your butt out to the bus." My mom said pointing to the door laughing.

I gasped and ran out the door making sure to say 'i love you' to my mom.

As I walk to your bus stop I see someone you wish I never laid eyes on.


You both glared at each other.

"Y/N." He sneered.

"Aidan." I hissed back.

My friend Natalie came over laughing at me and aidan.

"Oh come on guys! Stop being sour pusses." She said pulling us close together.

"If you touch me ill bite you." I said.

"Ooo kinky." He snickered.

I turned a shade of red and rolled my eyes.

"Awe little Y/N is blushing." Aidan laughed.

I then kicked his shin and went on the bus.

"Bitch!" He yelled.

I laughed and sat with Natalie.

I saw aidan glare at me while he walked to the back with his friends.

"Why do you guys hate each other so much?" She asked.

Then I thought about it.. I don't really know why i hate him i just do. Back when we were in elementary we were best buds then we just kinda stopped talking. I don't know why.

"I don't know. We used to best friends. Then he stopped being a sweet boy and became a fuck boy." I rolled my eyes.

"Hm. Okay if you say so Y/N." Natalie said.

The bus then stopped at our school making me sigh. Great.

While I were walking off the bus you heard a whistle behind you and noticed it was aidan.

I sighed and flipped him off.

"Get it aidan!" One of his friends yelled.

Natalie laughed and budged my shoulder.

"You guys have the biggest sexual tension ever." 

I hit her arm and walked into my first hour which is biology wish.. Aidan. I sat in the back taking out my sketch book and drawing some random human. Then out of nowhere aidan came up and snatched it out of my hands.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled trying to jump and get it out of his hands.

He laughed at you.

"Aidan! Please!" I begged trying to get it out of his grasp.

"Oh i love it when you beg~" He snickered.

I turned red and stopped trying to get it backing away slightly so i wouldn't look at him.

"Oh? Little Y/N is scared now?" He said backing me into one of the desks.

Now that i look around. No ones here except me and him.

I gulped and looked into his blue grey eyes and instantly regretted it. His eyes had something i couldn't comprehend. Lust maybe?

He then grabbed my chin and made me look at him making you even redder.

"Your so cute Y/N." He whispered.

"Ai-aidan?" I stuttered.

He chuckled at me and brushed a strand oh hair from my face showing my red cheeks.

"God you make me feel certain things that arn't holy Y/N." He said winking.

I squeaked as he grabbed my waist and pushed me down on the desk.

"You really know how to make a guy fall for you~" He said.

I gasped.

"Wha-what do you mean?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"God your so cute i cant handle myself anhmore."  He said before smashing his lips against mine into a soft but rough kiss making me squeak.

I kissed back realizing this is what i wanted this whole time.

Aidan was what i wanted.

We then pulled away and he smiled down at me.

"I love you Y/N." He said putting his forehead against mine.

"I love you to aidan." I said before kissing him on the lips again.


Thank you for reading! Its still a work in process and im trying to get back into a writing schedule. <3 I hope you liked it sorry for all the mistakes im not used to X readers <3

-Finn <3

Aidan Gallagher/Number Five/Nicky Harper OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now