The meeting

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(Tiffany's pov)

I was about to take a shower to shopping the my maids start to choose me a perfect dress to stay in fashion so never mind it I just take a shower then I see my maid choose my pink dress I said to them it's for my prom's so I just pick my own clothes I choose a gray colored crop-top then a suspenders and a light blue geans and went down then I saw my maid asking me a question "why didn't you wear the dress we choose you to wear" then I said "it is only for my prom's" then they said "ok if that is what you choose madam" so I just eat then the officers said that the top one to five riches of the family should have a meeting

--fast forward--

@the office

Someone greeted me "hello mr.hwang I am the father of suho but others call me mr.fos the meaning of it is father of suho"my father greeted him to a goodmorning.

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