Time Slipped Away

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"If you were waiting for the oppurtune moment, that was it. - Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean


Tick, tock, Claire. Tick, tock...

Silver streams of light kissed the rim of Claire’s wine glass, as she brought it up to her lips the fourth time tonight. Candles were ablaze with orange flames, giving the snowy tablecloth a tinge of colour. She sighed heavily, resting her elbows on the table, propping her chin on her hand. Tapping on the table to the beat of the double bass that was buzzing against the incomprehensible chattering filling the restaurant, her nose filled with the scent of smoking salmon and overpriced perfume. Tables and chairs were scattered around the building facing the River Thames, couples gazing out of the spotless window. Claire stared at the unoccupied seat across the table, wondering where her beloved Hershel was. Waiting for quite a few hours, it feels like an eternity has just passed. And Claire doesn’t have much time left.

She has been transported to a night in her past, and she found this as an opportunity to say what she had wanted to for ten years, and after her death. Claire lowered her head, a lock of ginger hair falling over her face. Too bad he won’t remember anything. If he did, events won’t add up and he might go insane. Not wanting to waste her precious and valuable time, she placed her pale hand on the metal handle of the restaurant's entrance and pushed it down, involuntarily shivering as she stepped out into the bitter cold. The simple, sapphire dress wasn’t enough to fight off the wintery air.

There was no one outside, probably enjoying the warmth of the indoors. Her eyes darted left and right, hoping to glimpse the vermillion cap Hershel hardly ever removes. “He could be near,” she mumbled to herself through chattering teeth. She scanned the cobbled path, only seeing red bricked buildings, every room illuminated with soft, yellow light. Claire began to roam the bank of the Thames, the sound of clattering plates and utensils gradually fading into the background until there was only the tranquility of the night.

Wondering if Hershel was at home, Claire pictured his head resting on the open pages of a text book, his mind taking him to the world where imagination rules. Perhaps his mouth is hanging open, drool escaping onto the pages, washing away the letters from existence. This is how she would always find him in the late hours of the night, and it always made her laugh. If only I still had those nights.

She rubbed her hands together, the friction warming up her icy hands, as she spotted a familiar red cap in the distance. He wasn’t too far away, buttoning his vest. “Hershel!” Claire called, cupping her hands around her mouth to amplify her voice. Wasting no second, she sprinted towards him, her wispy hair dancing in the air. She wrapped her arms around him, bringing him into a tight embrace, Hershel holding on to the brim of his hat, ensuring that it doesn’t leave his head. Claire buried her face in his ivory cravat, Hershel lightly stroking her hair. He was unsure why she was hugging him so tightly. They had just seen each other yesterday, haven’t they? To Hershel, they have. To Claire, it was four years ago, and that was only for a goodbye.

Her body was filled with glee, an aura of happiness emitting from the couple. Having his warmth around her melted away her thoughts of leaving once all her seconds are gone. The aroma of bitter tea on him brought back irreplaceable memories of their shared past. You don’t know how much I’ve missed you. How much I’ve longed to hold you.

Hershel’s cheeks glowed red, causing his girlfriend to giggle. “I’m sorry for my tardiness. I lost track of the time and my car refused to work. I was left with the only option to walk here. I hope it didn’t worry you.”

Claire shook her head, despite the fact that a lady should never lie. On all nights, Hershel’s car had to malfunction. His car hardly ever breaks down, so why on the most important night? Intertwining her hand with his, she rose up on her toes to give Hershel a peck on the cheek. “I’m so glad to spend the night with you, tonight,” she whispered. Claire took a quick glance at her watch and swallowed down a gasp that was about to escape her lips.

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