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         Nathaniel Cambridge walked slowly yet in a steady pace as he strolled down the halls of Hillbird High, he sighed in annoyance as he went down the stairs to the last floor.

        He'd only been here for four weeks but he was already bored with the quiet small town.

       Hillbird was a quiet town with no sense of activity at all, with a low population of 7500 people, it was no surprise of the simple life that came with it, he missed Counterbridge city, the city filled with suspense and mystery, but he knew he had to keep a low profile and Hillbird was just the right place to go.

     Nate knew he had no one to blame but himself and that made him more angry, his thick brown eyebrows knotted together as his mind went back to not more than six weeks ago. Nate couldn't help but frown at the fact that no one knew who he really was.

     He was Nathaniel .D. Cambridge, the first legal teenage private investigator in the world. He simply had a talent, an unspoken intelligence that gave him the mind and initiative of someone way much older than he was.

    His mind went back to his first unofficial case, someone had just stolen from the counterbridge jewelry store and Nate grew quite curious about the case. He didn't realize how talented he was until he discovered who the thief was, two days later the man was arrested and even the mayor seemed to be impressed by his work.

    He was just ten years old.

   Nate didn't stop there, one thing led to another and he solved another case and then another, he was so good that the mayor had given him the authority to become a private investigator of his own, and now he's here because he took on a case deeper than expected.

    He was investigating the case of a quiet business man that was murdered on his way home, one thing led to another and some how Nate got dragged into problems with a drug cartel in the city, and then Nate went way over his head and the police had supposedly arrested all the members of the drug cartel.

  Days later he was at home helping his mum in the kitchen when several bullets started firing from the windows, Nate and his mum ducked under the kitchen counter and barely survived.
   And it didn't stop there.
   Death threats, vandalism, breaking and entering, it was obvious that they were out for blood. So with some help from the mayor they were able to slip away from the busy city, and somehow land here.
   He brought out a phone from his oversized coat that hid how athletic his stature truly was and started texting a friend from counterbridge.
               Nate: How's life in counterbridge.
                Ben: Busy as always.
  He frowned at the text and slipped the phone back in the coat. He would do anything to be back in counterbridge city, but right now.
    The stakes were to high.
He walked quickly down the stairs of the school having no specific destination.
    It's not like i have anywhere to go.
He thought as he walked down the staircase all the way to the first floor. He made up his mind and decided to head to the school library.
For a small town like this the school was quite big, stretching wide with a castle like design the school had five floors.
  The fifth floor, was the highlight of the school.
  The school was too big for the number of students so all school activities only occurred in the four floors.
  The fifth floor however, was unguarded open for kids to roam around and do as they please.
   To some, it was a place to catch up on some studying and prepare for the next class.
   To some it was a danger zone where the jocks would go and beat up kids that couldn't defend themselves.
   To others it was a place to chill and relax and smoke without getting caught.
   But to all it was the "make out zone" where students goes to make out and to some a whole much more...
    Nate  didn't see the whole buzz in the fifth floor himself and had never even been there.

   He walked around the school as he stared at the patio to the fifth floor. A figure stood staring at nothing specifically.

   There wasn't much to stare at anyway.

   Nate thought as his phone buzzed from his coat and he turned back to his phone.
                 Ben: we miss you...
   Nate sighed and resumed walking his full attention now on the phone.
                  Nate: yea same here Hill bird is the worst
                  Ben is typing...
                  Ben: we'll try and visit on the holidays
                  Nate frowned.
                 Nate: mom says it's too risky so i guess am stuck in this boring hellh- 
   And then he fell.
   Nate froze as his eyes turn to the familiar boy slowly bleeding out to his death, he looked up and stared at the patio where a figure quickly vanished into the darkness and then back at the boy.
   A girl screamed in shock as tears began to roll down her eyes, by now a crowd had started circling the boy as murmurs filled the cold air
  ..... Poor Brady...
  .... Served him right....
  ... He got what he deserved...
   "Who was he?" Nate asked nobody in general
   "YOUR TELLING ME YOU DON'T KNOW THE MOST POPULAR BOY IN SCHOOL?!". The girl said as if disgusted at Nate, he paused and turned to a guy next to him "I'm new here can you tell me who he was?".
    The boy took a picture of the now dead boy with his phone and turned to him.
     "His name was Brady Appleman..."
   And with that i give you a prolouge so...
Hi am the already knew that ughhh just pls vote tell me what you think and well am kinda new at this so feel free to share your thoughts and shit
   update soon...     

Hillbird High: The Murder Of Brady ApplemanWhere stories live. Discover now