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Part 1

You were invited to the party of your best friend, who celebrated her birthday in a big hall with all of her friends. You actually didn't want to go, but you promised her that you'd come after she had literally begged you. You sighed standing in front of your wardrobe and tried to find something to wear, when your phone rang, an incoming call from your best friend. "Hi, Jisu", you said annoyed, because you knew she'd tell you to hurry up and come, "I'm on my way." "Oh, come on, Y/N", she answered joyously, "I know you're still not even dressed. But I don't care as long as you come, because -" She made an extra long break. "-there'll be a lot of hot boys." You could imagine her face right now, full of excitement and winking at you. "How often did I actually tell you that I don't NEED a boyfriend?", you sighed and wanted to hang up. "Ah just remember it, when you pick your outfit", she said and laughed ending the call. You rolled your eyes and threw your phone on your bed. Eventually you decided to wear a tight black pair of jeans, a really cute top and your favourite converse high. You only applied a bit of make-up and put your hair into a messy bun.

--time skip--

When you arrived, you could already hear the loud music from inside. A lot of people were standing outside of the hall and smoked. Tonight it was actually quite warm outside, the sky was clear and covered by millions of bright and sparkling stars. "Y/N!!!", your friend ran to you and hugged you so stormily, that you almost lost your balance. "Jisuu, get off me", you smiled and pushed her away, knowing that she was already a bit drunk. "I really didn't expect you'd come though", she said happily and pulled you inside, "let's party!!!" The hall was full of people dancing and having fun. You could smell food, alcohol and smoke. That's why you don't really like parties, too many drunk people and too much noise. "Come on over here", she said and dragged you by your wrist, "we're playing truth or dare." You sat down a bit aside from the group and watched them giving each other awful dares. You laughed when Jisu had to do ten push ups and failed completely. But you immediately stopped, when you felt someone's stare on you. You turned your head and saw him leaning casually against the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest. He wore a white shirt tuck into his tight black pants, which outlined his toned and muscular thighs. His black leather jacket and the top open buttons made him look really really attractive. You gasped, because you've never caught someone checking you out so obviously. His eyes wandered from your legs to your waist and your chest and stopped at your lips, while he bit his lower lip. You were really embarrassed and blushed, so you lowered your gaze and tried to ignore him. You focused on the game and almost forgot about it, until you looked around searching for Jisu and you accidentally met his eyes. His intensive glance made you pant for air. You didn't want to seem weak, so you decided not to break the eye contact, even though you were blushing like hell. But... He seemed familiar to you. Your eyes widened and you gasped for air when you finally recognised him.

He was your longtime crush from high school, to whom you confessed your love. The flush on your cheeks increased even more and you averted your gaze. You couldn't bear the embarrassment and decided to leave. "Jisu", you said quietly, so only she could hear it, "why didn't you tell me that Jungkook would be here? I'm leaving." "No, Y/N! I'm sorry..", she said but you were already going, when someone grabbed your hand pulling you away from the crowd into a dark corridor. "Why are you leaving already? I wanted to talk to you a bit", a rasping voice asked you. "I'm-", you tried to say, when your eyes adjusted to the darkness and you saw Jungkook standing in front of you, "but I don't want to talk you." You wanted to leave, but he put his arms against the wall and trapped you. His face was so close, that if you moved an inch, your lips would touch. "You are really beautiful", he said in a low voice and made your cheeks flush. His gaze was fixed on your lips and you thought he'd kiss you in the next second. "I'd really like to get your number, so we can catch up", he said giving you more space and now staring deeply into your eyes. "Umm okay", you breathed and obeyed him.

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