"What is a Sith?" Haradan asked as they walked through the forest.
"Many things my young apprentice." The Kwa said.
"I am not your apprentice!" He snapped.
The Kwa stopped to look at him. "Your species looks so remarkably like humans."
"We are Kumumgah."
"Yes but you look human. Only the reddish tone of your skin hints at you true origin."
"Some say our Ancestors were human. But humans have brown skin and thicker hair."
"Some do. In truth they are highly adaptable as a species. I have seen them in many shapes and colors. But never quit like yours."
Haradan did not care to stay on the topic the Kwa had set. Instead he looked to his allies who followed him in silence. "I sense your concern."
"How did you bring them back?"
"The essence of the cosmos is mine to command. I commanded it to re-stitch their bodies back together and bring them back to life. "
"But they don't talk?"
"I didn't feel the need to be interrupted."
"You control the powers of a god."
The Kwa's face turned quizzical for a moment. He still hadn't moved. "A god, for controlling this rabble? Controlling them makes me no more a god then stepping on a gnat makes a Riknock a god." He gave Haradan a moment to say something but when it became apparent he wasn't going to say more the Kwa continued. "You are the one that should be their leader Haradan. You and I both know that. These fools charge headlong into battle with an enemy unprepared and they think you the coward. Their jealous of your position, they think your less than them, but they are wrong."
The kwa's words found a home in Haradan's hart. "How do you know all of this? How do you do all you do?"
"I have long studied your kind Haradan. Your people came to my world to trade several time in my child hood. We were all amazed how easily you tapped into the various gates in the galaxy. I know of your Skywalkers. What you don't know is that the power they tap into comes from a source capable of much more then opening galactic doors. "
"I was like them, able to open our gates. Like your kind we had not known all that the cosmic essence could do until the Rakata came. Their power is not born of technology, but rather the same essence that floods the galaxy. An essence that they alone do not control. "
"They raped my world with it and shattered my people. Now many of us exists only as slaves. I ran however, I traveled the galaxy through what ever methods I could employ until I came across the only people who had ever defeated the Rakatan and expelled them from their world. Those people were Sith."
Haradan found his mind wondering with the Kwa's speech. It was travelling back in time, the words coming to life, with him as the distraught Kwa after vengeance.
"The Sith I met ivied on a small trade station. They told me of their great king Adas who had fought back the Sith with his axe and his sith magic. The Sith told me that their kind could manipulate the cosmic essence to do more then open gates. Like the Rakatan they could call upon it to shape and control life and the forces of nature. Though their stories were fanciful they told me the ancient celestials who built some of the gates your kind use, could also manipulate the force in this way."
Haradan felt words casting a spell over him. He could feel them coiling around his mind and pulling him into something.
"I traded my knowledge of use of my races Infinity Gates and solar temples for their knowledge of sith magic. The Sith respect power alone, and so taught me as little as possible. But I learned I had a talent for mind bending. I managed slowly bend them to my will. Over time they began to submit more and more until I was the master."
"They told me as much of Adas as they knew. Using them I managed to find out more and more. I learned from more and more powerful Sith until finally I met Grodus. The powerful Sith Mage was far beyond my ability to bend to my will. But using my other captives I was able to learn about Adas, He had a secret arsenal. Among which was his Holocron."
Haradan had heard of holocrons before. He knew the devices where Rakatan technology used by their ranks to store massive amounts of data. He didn't know the Sith had used them but he was relatively unaware of the Sith. Still he fought with his desire to listen to the Kwa.
"My rage over the destruction of my world and my people gave me incite into the cosmic essence I had never had before. One night in a dream Adas himself came to me and ordered me to find his secrets on a small planet of Dagoba."
"I destroyed the Sith who I had taught my secrets to as I activated the infinity Gates, so they could never challenge me. I searched everywhere the Infinity Gates touched before I saw one of your sky walkers. Adas came to me again in a dream telling me to find your people. And that with your aid the Rakatan would fall."
"Your people are remarkably elusive though. I tried to control your minds but it was no use. Your kind are remarkable strong in the cosmic essence. I tried to follow one of you people through a Hyper Gate but landed on a Rakatan controlled world. I stayed there for several years, and eventually turned myself into them to learn as on of their slaves. I worked my way through their slave ranks finally finding this." He held out the triangular prism that glowed with a dark red light. In it's hart a black cloud swirled and shifted.
"The codex is a Celestial device that a Rakatan Darth had found. He had used it to defeat many enemies and bind people to his will. Though he was remarkably weak in the force. Biding my time I found a way to slay him and steal his precious bauble. The Darth had relatively little force essence without the Codex to enhance him. I slayed him with a thought."
"I had fought my way to freedom on one of their Hyper Drive ships. I had never been able to control their drives but with the essence as my ally I bent the ship to my will. I was going to kill the Rakatan forger who used the ship but in a vision Adas told me to fain loosing the codex to him. It turned out he was on the run from his empire. He had hoped to find a world he could settle on and conquer as his own. "
Haradan fought against the controlling hand on his mind. "Your kind, so strong in the essence. Do you know what you are Haradan?"
Haradan could not answer, only glower at the man. His control growing stronger. "You look human but in actuality you are a kind of Sith Human hybrid. Adas had your kind shaped when he discovered a world populated by humans. He had hoped to use you to destroy the Rakatan entirely. But a worm whole sucked you through time and space landing you here long before you where ever made. "
Haradan's anger burned bright in him as the creature continued to talk. "Filthy Kwa!" He managed to spit against his control.
"My but your kind is powerful." The Kwa said, as Merilly's light saber took his head.
The control the creature had over them was suddenly gone completely. "Merilly!" Haradan exclaimed rushing to her side. "How did you manage to free yourself?"
"I don't know I suspect he was to focused on you. I managed to free myself." Haradan saw the rest of his party had found themselves.
"Look!" Kerridan said, pointing to the sky. There where his finger pointed high in the Sky was a Rakatan battle cruiser. Instinctively Haradan reached out and snatched the prism from the dead Kwa's hand while his party had been distracted.
"What can it mean?" Kerridan asked, more thinking aloud the looking for a response.
"They must have followed the other ship." Haradan said, whistling to his mount.
"Haradan!" Merilly demanded. "Where is the amulet the creature had?"
"I don't know." He lied, the cosmic essence burned in him as he did. It didn't take much to use it to make his words convincing. "We don't have time to look for!" He ordered.
"Your right." Merilly said. "Mount up we have to get back."