chapter 1 *Kendra signs up for heartbreak*

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"Alex" I hear someone shouting my name an I knew it was kendra.

"Kenny why do u always have to shout my name" she chuckles and I frown at her.

"I was just so happy and excited. I couldn't help but shout your name, I have something to tell u, it good news" she jumping up and down happily, I smile at her knowing how hyper she gets.

"So what's making you so happy?" I give her a questioning look. "What's the good news" I ask waiting for an answer, as I lean against my locker watching her breath in and out.

"I've found the love of my life, and I've had a crush on him for I while now" she blushes
"So who is he" I smile at her
"Its Raymond, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes" she jumps up excitedly, hugs me and spins me round.

"You said what?" I ask surprised
"I said yes, we look so good together" she smiles

Raymond is a quarter back on the football team, very popular and desired among the girls, I don't know if Kendra made a mistake because he's quite the ladies man.

"Kendra are you sure about him" I ask with a look of doubt on my face.

"Yes I am, he confessed his feeling, his love for me in front of the entire football team" she blushes. "Isn't that romantic like which girl doesn't wish for that" she's hoping like a 7 year old excitedly.

I don't know why she's so excited, he's not so hot....lies, he actually is, but I'm sure she knows his a player so why is she so excited

I look at her in surprise and chuckle, she doesn't seize to amaze me "and you believe him?" I raise my eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

"Alex why all these questions, do you have a problem with him?" She crosses her hands under her boobs, suddenly becoming serious.

I open my locker and drop my books in it, I can see her staring at me through the corner of my eyes "maybe because he has said the same thing to a 1001 other girls in school" I turn and look at her.

"Even though, he confessed publicly and that's romantic" she shrugs her shoulder.

"Oh my gosh, why is she soo dumb" I murmur. "What did u say" kendra snaps.

"Nothing" I sigh " the point is you know he's a player so don't get ur hopes high all in d name of LOVE" I chuckle as I say the last part, then it changes to a concerned look.

"He told me that, I've probably heard bad stuff about him but mine will be different because he didn't live the other girls but he loves me" she flips her hair

"Really, that's impressing" I smirk.

"What are you trying to say Alex" she raises her voice a little

"And what did he say he loves about you?" I ask her

"eyes she blushes, her cheeks are tomato red. "He says I'm beauty with brains, sexy, funny, innocent, interesting to be with, he loves my personality and I'm just too hot" she smiles at the taught of that.

"He said your sexy and beautiful, and that's why he loves you" I pause and take a breath, hope this goes well "his ex is Charlotte, a cheerleader, she's soo hot and beautiful, so don't u think he also loved her" I say

"Why are you talking like I'm not good enough for him Alex?" She spits at me. "It's the other way round" I say

She frowns "I know he was with Charlotte and she's a pretty red hair, good looks, and sexy but its me he loves" she stops and stares into my eyes. "Why are u talking about him this way, or do you like him Alex that's why you're doing all this?" She squints her eyes.

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