11. what are you doing here?

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Hoyeon's POV

Jisung went up to get changed. I made our dinner while he got himself busy. Because Jihoon told me how to cook, I know some.

I was just putting our plates on the table when I felt Jisung's arms snake around my waist. I chuckled. "Jisung.." He kissed my cheek and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Why don't you help me and put that bowl of ramen on the table?" He laughed and waved my hand in front of him. "Hello? Earth to Jisung."

"Hell, I didn't regret breaking up with Sooji. You're the most beautiful thing that happened in my life." I just smiled at how corny he was. "You, too. Now, finish that so I can wash the dishes."

"I'll do it."

"Kidding?" He shook his head. I gave him a look. "Fine." He smiled and stood up, kissing my cheek. He immediately went near the sink to wash the dishes. I smiled behind his back, looking at him.

I hugged him from his back. I felt him stop moving. "Hoyeon, what is it?" He asked. I shook my head, my face on his back. "Nothing. I just wanna hug you like this." I felt him smile.

He washed his hands and turned around. "Now, hug me like this." He then hugged me. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Stop hugging me. You're still gonna wash the dishes." He chuckled. "You started this."

I broke the hug and tiptoed to kiss him. "I love you." I whispered and he kissed my cheek as a reply. I went up to my room and wrote in my notebook which is about Jisung and me.

I sat on my chair and took a pen. I opened my notebook and went to the recent page. I started to write down.

Strong as always. We're still like that. I just hope he wouldn't leave me, not anymore.

I closed my notebook and placed the pen on it. I let out a sigh. I decided to go back downstairs but when I opened the door, Jisung was in a knocking position. We both smiled and he dragged me to my bed, closing the door in the process.

Jisung was on top of me and he buried his face on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we stayed like that for a few moments. "You know," Jisung started, his breath brushing on my neck.


"Jisoo told me that we should try reading her favorite novel." I chuckled. "Webtoon is enough for me. There's still Luff and Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell. And unOrdinary." I replied.

He chuckled. "It's not that. You like fairytales, right? Underrated ones, like Alice in Wonderland, Wizard of Oz." I scoffed. "Don't me with Dorothy. She's precious." I said.

"Not unless you read Dorothy Must Die." I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back. "What is that?" He sat up and opened his phone. He pressed on Google and searched the title he mentioned earlier.

He showed me the results. "I should read that. When I'm 99." (a/n: lmao fuck her. that shit was so good) I laid back on my bed. Jisung just shook his head and laughed. "Good night." He kissed my forehead. I smiled at him. "Good night."

"I'll see you in my dreams."

"Jisung, really."


I was just waking up when I felt someone brush their fingers on my cheek. I fluttered my eyes and saw Jisung staring at me, brushing his hands on my cheek again. He smiled. "Good morning." He placed a soft peck on my lips.

I groaned lowly. "Morning." I pushed him beside me and hugged him. My phone suddenly buzzed and I sat up to answer the call. "Hello?"

"Don't forget we'll be coming over." It was Jisoo. I chuckled while Jisung hugged my waist, still lying down. "I know that."

"I'm saying that you don't need to worry about the food because we'll buy 'em. I already told the others. Do we last a day?" I looked at Jisung and he just nodded. "Yeah."

"Shinhyuk texted me. Haechan texted her that he'll also come over but in the afternoon." My eyes widened and I can feel the same to Jisung. "Alright. Jisung and I would also buy a few snacks for us." She laughed.

"We'll all come over at 9:30. Bye." Jisoo dropped the call and I stood up. "Come on, Jisung. Let's get washed up and we'll buy our snacks." He sat up then pulled my hand, kissing me in the process.

I pulled away and we smirked at each other. "Get up." I tapped his cheek and took a towel and went inside the bathroom. I accidentally glanced at Jisung and he pouted at me.

I chuckled. "Yeah, I love you, too."


Jisung's POV

Hoyeon went to her bathroom to wash up and of course, I did the same. After drying myself, I changed into a dark green jacket and baggy pants. I wore my white sneakers and left my room, which was Jihoon hyung's room.

I went to Hoyeon's room and she just finished dressing up. She was wearing a red sweater and a white skirt, pairing it with a pair of sneakers that looks like mine. Her hair was dried and she tied it into a messy bun.

I smiled and she did, too. "Let's go?" I nodded and we left our apartment. We walked towards the nearest convenience store that we often go to. "What do you want to buy?" She asked while I opened the store's door for her.

"Cracklings, of course." She laughed and took some chips in an alley we entered. "We should also get some milks. Chocolate?" She raised a brow at me and I chuckled. "Obviously." I said, opening a fridge. She took four chocolate milks and placed it in the cart I was pushing.

We roamed around the store until Hoyeon was out of my sight. I scratched my head. "Now, where did that princess go?" I took two steps and near one of the fridges, Sooji was taking out a canned juice.

She turned around and she was shocked to see me. "Jisung!" She said in a whisper-shout manner. I was shocked to see her, too.

"What are you doing here?"


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