Chapter 1

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Bailie's P.O.V

"Sam...Sam...Sam!!!!!" I shout.

"Boo!!!" She shouted.

"For goodness sake! Don't scare me like that!!" I yell at her.

"Haha!!! You should have seen the look on your face!" She giggles.

I just gave her a look. Sam had just turned 20 but she was acting like a little teenager. She has to learn to take things more seriously especially they way we live.

"Come on" I said.

She just looked at me with her puppy dog eyes but seeing that it wasn't working she started to walk beside me with her head down low.

Sam's P.O.V

Bailie really needs to lighten up but i feel really sorry for her as she has had a lot to think about like school, family and trying to look after me. We were getting close to my home and i was just about to tell her that i didn't want to go home when she put her hand over my mouth. I tried to ask what was wrong but my only reply was "Shhhhhhhhh." After a while she took her hand off my mouth and made eye contact with me.

"We need to go now" she whispered with the sound of fright in her voice.

"Why" i asked.

"Because we are being followed" she replied.

I gasped and she just stared at me with fright in her eyes.

"What do we do?" I finally ask her.

She looked at me and started to panic.

Bailie's P.O.V

"Just stay close and don't look behind you. We will take the long way home." I say to her.

She is so scared that she can't even speak so she just nods her head. I grab her hand and we start walking.

We are just around the corner from her house we just need to make it through this Oh Shit i forgot about the ally. I guess i didn't think this plan all the way through and now i am putting Sam into even more danger. I look down at her and she looks frightened but we can't turn back.

"Just don't make a sound" i told her.

She nods and holds my hand tighter. We walk through and we are nearly at the end. Thank god nothing happened.

"Well well well look at what we have here" we turn around to see a tall skinny man staring at us. I lightly push Sam hoping she would start to run but she just stands there. I gave her a hard push. It looks like she is about to start crying in pain and in fright but i had to so she would run and get out of here. She turns and runs as fast as she could. Good at least she would be safe.

"Ahahahahahahah Let me go" i here Sam shouting. I turn around to see a big man with a lot of muscles holding Sam by the wrists. I was just about to go help her when i hear a voice say

"Shes not getting away that easily...And you aren't getting away" i hear him say before total darkness.


Hi guys hope yous liked this first chapter! We will try to update every Friday but we are really busy with school and junk. Sorry this chapter is short but it is really hard to write a first chapter and not give to much away. What do you think happened to Bailie and Sam? Who were the men and what will they do to them? Talk to you guys later Bye!✌️

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