Chapter 1: One night.

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As well as everyone else that supported me! I originally posted this in my oneshot book as a sneak peek. So here's that chapter again. Enjoy!


Kevin glanced up across the small tent to check on the sleeping girl. Chuckling slightly at the odd position she was in, he turned back to the hoe he was patching up. While letting the girl sleep, he let out a quiet sigh. How did he let this happen? He was the Beta, the wise one. How could he of been so stupid? He got his best friend hurt and landed her on the streets while trying to fix it.

Now, Kevin was in no means stupid. He was an incredible beta that ended up in a pretty bad situation. Kevin and Kirstin grew up together and joined the same pack. Everything was great, that is until Alex came into the picture. Alex was an evil, possessive alpha. He made it his mission to put every one of a lower rank down. The duo put up with a lot, but the second Kirstin told him Alex hurt her they were out of there. They packed a bag each and ran away together. That brings them to the present day where they had a small tent in an alleyway. The sun began to peek through the thin cloth walls, causing the omega to stir awake.

"Mornin' Kevvy," she smiled, calming her wild, brunette locks. The beta returned the same, millionaire smile as always.

"Hey, Kit-Kat. Get ready, we need to look at food later." The beta informed, the girl nodding in agreement. Hopefully, Kevin could protect his best friend this time.


Avi and Scott were in the main room as the omega of the pack was giggling along with the random cartoon playing.

"I don't know, Scott. I just know we're missing something, someone?" he sighed in frustration. The slightly taller alpha nodded,

"Yeah, I get you, man. Maybe we need a beta?" he suggested, smiling when the other alpha's eyes lit up.

"That's it! We need a beta!" he exclaimed. "How about we go out for breakfast and talk about how to go about finding one?"

"Sure, short stack. I'll go get the other shortie." Scott Teases.

"I'll sick my dragon on you," he mumbled, earning a laugh from the other man.

"Just go," he showed his second in command off.

Scott nodded, exiting the room to inform the last member of the pack. Sighing, Avi rested his head in his hands. If a beta was what they were missing, how would they find one? It's not like they could just as some random guy on the streets. Shaking his head to rid himself of his faults, the trio climbed into the car and headed to their favorite restaurant. Inside Scott and Avi continued their conversation, The male omega next two them listening intently. He was intrigued by the topic of a new beta. A new member to focus on him. He really loved attention and praise, as most omegas did. His senses kicking in, Scott looked up to the door as two people entered. It was a taller man with black-rimmed glasses, accompanied by a smaller brunette girl clinging nervously by his side. Their obviously once white shirts dirtied by dust and muck. He simply shook his head in sadness, being reminded that not every pack could be as lucky as his own. Avi picked up on his mood dro, following his gaze to the pair.

" Something doesn't seem right with that girl," he announced to the others, his eyes not leaving the pair. "Do you think they're alright?"

"I'm sure they're fine, Scott. Probably just looking for some food." The lead alpha insisted. The blond nodded, checking in on his own omega before returning to the conversation. That is until Arviel's sensitive hearing picked up on a small whimper. He looked up to see the brunette girl being grabbed by some random alpha. The man she was with had been seen entering the bathroom a few moments before.

"P-please," her voice cracked as she begged the man, "I-I'm waiting on my friend. Pl-please let me go"

"Shhh. Don't worry, doll. He sent me to get you. I'm gonna take you to him," the large alpha soothed, a twisted grin on his face.

"H-He did?" the small girl asked in confusion. Anger soon filled Avi's senses. His instincts kicked in as he approached the man.

"How dare you," he growled only to be met by the man's raised eyebrow.

"what do you mean? I'm just bringing this omega to her friend."

"How dare you deceive a helpless young girl. I suggest you walk away now, or it's not gonna be pretty." the brunette snarled, moving in between the alpha and omega.

"What are you gonna do, pretty boy." the man grumbled. By now, Scott had left to search for the man previously with the girl.

"Sweetie, you might want to look away," he said gently to the shaking woman. As soon as she did so, several "cracks" echoed through the room before the man was on the floor. Kevin ran back into the room, immediately pulling his near-crying best friend into his embrace.

"I'm so sorry, Kirst. J shouldn't have left you like that. Oh, god. I'm so glad you're ok," he mumbled into her hair.
Kirstin giggled at her friends' disheveled state.

"I-it's ok Kevvy. He helped me." she smiled, pointing towards the fellow brunette alpha. He immediately walked over to the table.

"Thank You so much. I don't know what could have happened if you didn't step in. Kirstie, she's just too trusting some times." he gushed.

Scott gave a warm smile, Avi's mind wandering off to the girl he saved, Scott answered.

"It's really no problem. I'm sure your pack alpha would have done the same." he smiled, frowning when he saw Kevin's mood suddenly drop. Avi seemed to notice too.

"You do have a pack, right?" he asked.

"Yeah," the beta answered uncertainty. What were these two playing at?

"Well, if you need a place to stay tonight, we have an extra room." Avi gave a calming grin.

Kevin thought for a minute, were these two safe. Maybe they could go, as long as he kept an eye on Kirstin.

"I-I don't want us to be a burden, sir" he tried to play it off coolly.

"It's no trouble at all. Just stay a night?" Scott jumped in, his seemly non-threatening facial features creeping in.

One night couldn't hurt, right?

"Ok. Just tonight," the beta agreed.

That's all it would, one night. Or so he thought.

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