Last Updated: 4/12/2019

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sartorial -- related to clothing

laconic -- using few words

soliloquy -- a monologue

litigious -- too ready to take legal action

dissertation -- a long essay on a particular subject

pert -- attractively well-shaped/attractively lively (vivacious?)

relegate -- assign an inferior rank/importance

mondegreen -- a misunderstood or misinterpreted word or phrase

excoriate -- severely berate and criticize

cognize -- to be aware

caveat -- the limitation or the downside 

proliferate -- (amount) to multiply exponentially

declivity -- a downward slope

scree -- rock debris covering an inclination

travail -- labor

ubiquitous -- seemingly everywhere

geomatics -- study and art of collecting and managing geographical information

certitude -- the certainty of a circumstance

facile -- effortless/superficial

labyrinthine -- complicated

modicum -- (of abstract and metaphysical) fragment

Joob -- jelly cube (Aus. slang)

pedantic -- overscrupulous

atavism -- a tendency to revert to an old/ancestral habit

rancour/rancor -- resentment

fishwife -- a coarse-mannered woman who is prone to shouting

aa -- a type of lava

emmetropia -- perfect vision

anguilliform -- resembling an eel

apple-knocker -- ignorant blockhead

apoptosis -- normal cellular necrosis

argle-bargle -- long-winded talk

argute -- shrewd

badmash -- a man without principles

Barmecide -- illusory, therefore disappointing

bruxism -- teeth grinding

callipygian -- having perfect buttocks

cerulean - sky-blue

chiliad -- a thousand things

comminatory -- punitive or vengeful

constellate -- to cluster

coprolalia -- involuntary and repetitive use of obscene language

deglutition -- swallowing

degust -- taste slowly with appreciation

deterge -- thoroughly clean

erubescent -- blushing

eucatastrophe -- a happy ending

eurythmic -- a harmonious proportion

fankle -- entangle

floccinaucinihilipilification -- estimate as worthless

gasconade -- extravagant boasting

ingurgitate -- swallow gluttonously

luculent -- articulately expressed

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