The Stripper Who Cried Vampire

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The Stripper Who Cried Vampire


The darkness of the night slowly began to creep away as slashes of purples and pinks began to illuminate the early hours of the cold spring morning. 

Rocco stepped outside of the heady club, the intoxicating scent of sex, lust, passion and married men clung to her nostrils making her breathe a sigh of relief that the night was over and the last drunken love rat had toppled his way back to his marital bed. 

"Get home safe, Rocco." The bouncer, Frank called. 

Frank was the bouncer of the strip club Rocco worked in named Heaven. He was a cheery, bulky man with a bald head, warm brown eyes and an encoraging smile. 

"You know I will," Rocco replied, lighting a ciggarette up and taking a long drag off it, letting the nicotine burn down her windpipe. She closed her eyes with a sigh. 

Yes, a long night indeed. 

With a wave to Frank, Rocco brushed her black hair out of her face as the morning chill bit at her face. 

Taking the quick route back to her apartment, Rocco decided to cut through the park. It meant that she'd be able to slip into her flat without the nosey neighbours peeking his head out of the door and asking more questions of this "strange" job that lasted all hours of the night. 

Rocco crossed the dead street, hearing a car engine start up as the city slowly began to wake. 

It wasn't until she made it to the park, out of sight, that the strange feeling of being watched shrank down her spine. 

Turning, Rocco scanned the area behind her to find nothing but a few trees whistling in the wind. 

"Get a grip, girl!" She scolded herself, turning around only to scream as a figure hulked over her. 

"Close your mouth." The voice of the angel barely whispered. His blue eyes lightened a fraction as he stared hypnotically into her eyes. 

And her mouth closed. She tried to make a sound, but nothing came from her throat. Not even a breath. 

"I'm awfully thirsty..."

And with that his nail extended and with a swipe of the air around her, the quickest slice of pain followed. Rocco's eyes widened as her throat burst, blood spitting out. And still her mouth wouldn't open to let out the excruciating pain as she clutched at her neck, dropping to the floor as the beautiful man stood over her. 

Before she died, she watched the beautiful angel before her sink low on his knees and the canines of his teeth lengthened as he closed his mouth over the gaping wound, allowing the blood to gush into his mouth, spurt by spurt as her heart began to slow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2012 ⏰

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