Ziether Academy

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Hey everyone! Elly speaking here.

What is this for, you ask?

Well, we have decided to start a project called 'Zeither Academy'!

Pretty much, we write whatever we want. Its like those 'Slice of Life' things. And so...

Would you like to join Zeither Academy?

Fill out the following in a comment below:

Name: (full name please. and if you want your OC/yourself to be called by a nickname, add that too)

Gender: (pretty straight forward hopefully)

Age: (this is an academy for all ages, but obviously, don't make your OC/yourself any older than 24 please)

Height: (just say small, medium, or tall)

Appearance: (eye color, hair color, glasses or no glasses, etc. You could also, optional, add a link to a pic which would make all our lives easier)

Personality: (provide at least three different adjectives and phrases)

Interests/ Hobbies: (three things please)

Type of Character: (you can either choose to be a main, secondary or background character. But please note that there is only a limited number of each except for background)

Other: (any other necessary things that we might need to make your character?)

That should be about it.

Oh yes, and don't forget that you can only have a maximum of one characters. There may be a few exceptions.

And this will be written entirely in Kari's OC, Denise's OC, and my OC's Pov. Unless you wish to request us put in a few Povs for your character.

If you wish to request a plot for one chapter or more, please send us a message, preferably at KDEfanfics or Elsiechan (yes, me since I come on the most and I can actually handle all the stuff).

Any questions? Ask away.

Sidenote from Denise! c: I don't wana be seeing 'oh just some normal background character'

no! >3< Ziether Academy's headmaster is somewhat like Death from Soul Eater. Every character here is significantly abnormal in a good way, otherwise they wouldn't be there. Even people that seem normal have something headmaster has to see in them. those background people even have a backstory (Oh, just thought of fillers!) But you guys get the drift right? Each and every student is special <3 Arigatou!

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