First Meeting

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Summer is almost over. You'd been helping your family run the music store during the summer. You're saving up to buy yourself your first laptop. 

There are only three days until you start middle school and you're so excited. You're sitting behind the cash register. You're lost in your thoughts of how cool your middle school life is going to be and all the cool friends you're going to have. You didn't even notice the front door's bell go off.

A boy about your age looks around the store before heading directly to you. 

"Give me a violin." the boy commands. He waits not two minutes, "Is your small brain incapable of understanding. I said I need a violin."

"Excuse me?" you ask, coming out of your daydream. 

 "I have $2 000, give me one that costs at most that," he says, crossing his arm.

"You could say please," you say standing up.

"I would if you were actually doing something useful," he rolls his eyes, "I don't have all day."

You do your best to keep a smile on your face, "The violins are this way." You guide him to the violin section.

"Do you have any that aren't fugly?"

What an unpleasant guy, you think to yourself, "There are a couple more over there."

"I'll take that one." He says, deciding after careful inspection.

He pays for the instrument and is on his way. You realize he left his change and rush after him out the store. 

"Hey! Wait up!" you yell.

"Missed me already?" he asks with a grin.

"W-wha? no! you forgot your change," you say handing him a hundred.

"Keep it," he says indifferently before leaving.

What a weird guy.

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