Beware The Fool

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"Don't even think about it!"

"But it says it's a gift!"

"Youknowwho sent it, don't be stupid!"

"How can you be so sure it was him, though?"

"Who else would suddenly send us a gift this big, today of all days?"

"Yeah, and look around you- who isn't with us right now?"

"Isn't he helping Jae-noona with something?"

"Oh no, poor girl...Well, it was nice knowing her- ow!"

"This has to be a trick, right?"

"Yeah, has to be..."

"So...Do we open it? Or not?"

"...This is not my style."

"Ugh, what is your style?"

"Hyungs, focus! What are we gonna do with this thing? It's huge!"

"It smells like tteokbokki, you know, the kind that we used to get at the stall in front of the movie theater."

"...Sometimes I worry for you, hyung."

"Yah! Enough already, what's it going to be? Open it, or throw it away?"

Eleven young men had gathered around a large box wrapped in glittery paper and topped off with a shiny ribbon. They gazed at it suspiciously, though they weren't sure what to do with it.

"Let's decide with rock, paper, scissors?" Baekhyun opted, but was shot down immediately by the others.

"I say throw it away," D.O. stated resolutely, not a hint of hesitation or guilt in his voice.

"But what if he really put an effort in getting us something? Look how carefully he wrapped it," Lay mused.

"Don't be naive, hyung," Kai commented. "It's just a distraction, a lure to get us to open this thing."

"So, no one's curious at all?" Sehun asked, looking like he was itching to pull on the ribbon to open the gift.

"We probably shouldn't risk it," said Suho, though he looked at Kris to see if he agreed as well.

"What did the note say again?" the duizhang then asked, looking at Tao.

Tao grabbed the little card that was attached to it, and scraped his throat to read it out loud.

"Dear brothers, as you all know, today is the day I usually steal the show. Those who trick are named King, his fools to his tune must sing! But this year I thought it best, if I laid this beautiful tradition to rest. So accept this gift I got just for you, for I regret the past, I truly do. Mianhe and saranghae! Chen-Chen." Tao finished reading, giving the card to Luhan when the latter reached out for it.

"He didn't write that," Luhan protested, looking at the card and blinking in bewilderment when he recognized Chen's surprisingly neat scribblings.

"Since when is he a poet? I don't trust this!" Baekhyun argued. "We should get rid of this thing and go save Jae-noona! She doesn't know about today," he reminded the others.

"What if he's serious, though?" Suho hesitated. "Chen wouldn't go through the trouble to write something like that," he said, taking the card from Luhan.

"It would be a shame if all that tteokbokki goes to waste," Lay added, sniffing the gift again.

"Hyung, I really doubt that it's tteokbokki," Sehun said, gently pulling his older brother away from the gift. "It doesn't even properly smell like it," he explained, earning a blank look from his hyung. Sehun shook his head and pulled Lay away. "I think we should throw it away. If Chen-hyung really meant those words, he would have been here to hand it to us personally," he stated confidently.

The Fallen OVA: April Fools SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now