Episode 1

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|| hey guys, i'm new to wattpad :) this is my first story, and i do hope you enjoy! chapters will be known as episodes becaaAause that makes me feel important.
sorry if you read this episode and i never came back, i just felt really inspired by other authors like @gravitygrenade (they have awesome stories, check 'em out!) ||


Gentle fingers caress my skin, and the moment I've been waiting for my whole life happens. I look up into the face of-

Buzz buzz buzz

What. Is. That.


Oh. That's my alarm. I sit up and turn it off, looking towards the date, thinking 'Why is my alarm going off in summer?' until I actually see the date.
Today is the first day of high school... Or more like, the first day of the last year of absolute hell. I never liked high school, and it never liked me.
I groan and get out of bed, already jumping into my old routine. Except this one is new, in a way.

My parents are on a huge trip and won't be back for a long time. Not until towards high school graduation. Seems unrealistic, right? Yeah, they are just trying to fix a bond between them. My mum had been in an accident and it really shook our family. I wanted to go, but I figured after me being an only child and resorting to them to talk, they should have a break. Hey, I'm a good child, but I never said a good student.

I always take my showers at night because it helps me just jump right into bed, feeling refreshed. I carry on the old routine, but alone this time.

My senior year I want to be the best year. I heard that it should be, and it better be.

**thirty minutes later**

After I am ready for school, I shoot my parents a "Good morning, I love you guys!" text. I love those lovebirds so much, I only hope maybe one day I can be as happy as them?

Background check real quick, yeah? Actually, a reality check. I'm what people consider "emo". My music type, really. But my parents aren't really, so I dress innocently to keep them satisfied :^)

I get in the car they left for me (I drove them to the airport, so I have the car) and begin driving to school. Maybe this year will be different. Maybe I just have to keep telling myself that. There's no way this year will be bad, it's my last, and I must leave with some sort of a spark!

I park in the student parking lot and walk in, about twenty minutes early. I avoid eye contact with a lot of people, and I walk to my first hour class, and wait outside.

My school is a pretty open school. Heck, I'm not complaining. I love it, but I absolutely hate it when it decides to rain. I chuckle to myself, because I just find the fact funny.

"Awww, has Y/N gotten so lonely of having no friends that she resigned to being her only friend? How pitiful!"

I look up into the face of the person who knows just how to tear up my year. Sigh, there is NO escape from the grasp of Amerie.

"Maybe my only friend is myself, but that makes me have one more than you do," I say to her. I really don't want to take crap from her this year.

Amerie. I don't even remember her last name, and I don't want to know it. We were once friends, but she ruined that. She had this mAjOr crush on a guy, practically in love! It was really cute (bleh now) until she utterly ditched him because we had a fight and I had a crush. Ever since then, we've had cold blood... Or bad blood, although her heart is cold as ice.

She looks taken aback at my response. I never actually say what I just said, it usually floats around my mind. New year, new me, an exact representation.

"Oh, so that's how it's gonna be this year. I'm not sure if you really want to make an enemy out me already, Y/N, unless you want a hell of a year," Amerie says, clearly showing that I got to her a little.

She straightens up and walks away, to her friends. Uhh yeah, you got me, she actually does have friends, but you know. When you want to insult somebody, you gotta do what you gotta do.

"Excuse me, but are you Miss Y/N?" ('ScUsE mE, cOuLd YoU pLeAsE lEaVe?)

If Amerie is already back to taunt me, I'm not afraid to shove my history book up her- you get the idea.

I look up anyways, but I don't see her. Instead, I see one of the receptionists for the schools office. This is what I call a pleasant surprise.

"I sure am, do you need something?" I say nicely back. Feels nice to be called miss.

"You are needed in the office, Miss. Please come immediately," the receptionist says, and then she walks away.

Goddamn, first day and I'm already being sent to the office. Holy crap, I never go to the office! Did she hear my conversation with Amerie? Am I in trouble with what I said? Or are they finally suspending Amerie by the one thing she said? Gosh, I only wish.

**ooo travelling that I don't care to write out :^)**

In the office, I sit down in a chair. I'm a nervous wreck, I never go to the office. I wipe my palms on my pants, removing any sweat. Am I overreacting? Bunches of students are sent here for their behaviour. Loads of times. This isn't anything new.

"Sweetie, would you like to move to the chair in front of the principal's office? He is the one that wants to speak to you," one office lady says. God, how is she so nice to someone who is probably in a lot of trouble!

I get up anyways and move to that seat, because I don't want to be rude. I hear voices in there. Not just one from Principal Bossom , but one more. I can't put a ring on the voice, and I can't match it with an age. But I know that it's definitely a boy.

Ah... shit?


|| hey hey it's the author. cliffhanger? learned it from my favourite authors! do you like my story so far? sorry if this is desperate sounding!
feel free to comment questions or anything, i love to talk :) ||

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