You'll Be In My Heart (Ianthony Oneshot)

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Authors Note:

So, who here has seen Tarzan? If you have, AWESOME! You're probably going to know this song :D If not, please listen to the song I attached to this story! It will make more sense. xD Anyways, I re-watched Tarzan with my niece and nephew a few weeks ago while I was babysitting them, and when I really listened to the lyrics... they made me think about Ianthony and gave me a feels overload!... So, yeah! :3 Enjoy!



~Kayla :3


Anthony's POV:

To: Ian Hecox

Hey Baby! :) I hope your having a good visit with your parents. Tell them I said "Hey." I'm probably going to take a nap on the couch. I'm pretty worn out. Anyways, text me later. I love you :3 -Sent 2:30pm

I sat my phone onto the coffee table and laid back down on the couch grabbing the nearby TV remote and cascaded the blanket I had retrieved from the closet over my chilled body. I turned on the TV hoping it would help take my mind off of Ian, but... it didn't... It only made it worse. The more I watched his favorite show, the more I longed for him to be here with me, lying on top of me with his head resting on my chest as I gently played with his honey brown hair. I yawned and snuggled deeper into the blanket closing my eyes and snuggling on a nearby pillow to help lull me to sleep. I had barely gotten any sleep last night from staying up late to edit one of our videos for next week. I heard my phone buzz on the table, but I was already half asleep, so I just ignored it.

~40 Minutes Later~

I was jolted from my sleep when I heard the garage door close causing my heart to flutter with excitement.

"Ian's home!" I exclaimed to myself still feeling out-of-it from just waking up. I wanted so badly to jump up from the couch, run to him, and pull him into the biggest hug I could've possibly given him, but I had something better in mind. I decided to pretend I was asleep so he could be all cute and "wake me up." I quickly closed my eyes as I heard him open the door feeling even more excitement run through my body... Not that kind of excitement, you pervs! I heard him walk down the hall and open the door to our bed room. I then heard his phone make a noise as he put it on charge and his shoes hit the closet door as he kicked them off his feet. I love Ian with all of my heart and soul, but some of his habits are just about enough to drive me insane. I heard his sock feet shuffle down the hall and then stopping suddenly when they reached the living room. I'm guessing that he saw me "sleeping." I heard him sit down his keys onto the counter and then walk over to me carefully laying down on top of me. I felt him wrap his arms around me tightly as he buried his head into my chest. Usually, he would've given me a kiss or whispered something in my ear to "wake me up," but he didn't this time. I wondered why for a few seconds until I heard my answer. He sobbed quietly into my chest as I felt some moisture on my shirt where his eyes were. Wait... Is he crying? I fluttered my eyes open to see Ian laying on me with his eyes closed tightly. They were puffy and watery and his mouth slightly agape letting out small quiet sobs. I felt my heart shatter at the sight. I sat up on the couch, wrapped my arms around him, and pulled him up to me, squeezing him tightly and running my fingers through his already disheveled hair.

"Shhh, shhhh. It's alright... It's alright. I'm here." I whispered to him. He shook his head on my chest.

"I told them, Anthony... About us... Mom was okay with it... But dad... He... He..." He began to sob louder after trying to recall the event that had happened. I only squeezed him tighter trying to get him to calm down.

"Ian, sweetheart... It's okay." He shook his head and began to sob even louder... I didn't even know that it was possible.

"No it's not, Anthony! You're going to leave me now that you know my dad doesn't approve of us! I know how close you two are!" He yelled, franticly sobbing into my chest while clutching my shirt tightly. Where was this coming from? Yeah, I absolutely love his dad, but I wouldn't leave Ian because of his dad. He'll see in time. Ian's cheeks were a bright crimson red as rivers of tears streaked down his cheeks soaking his shirt and mine.

"Shhh.... I'm not going to leave you... I could ne-"

"Stop lying to me, Anthony!" He interrupted burring his face deeper into my chest.

"You're going to leave just like every one else I've cared abou..." He was cut off my a loud, horrible sounding cough and wheeze... Oh no... His asthma was starting to flare up. I quickly got up and ran into our room grabbing his inhaler and running back. I sat back in the spot I was in and pulled him close as he inhaled a puff of medicine still sobbing quite frantically. I needed to find a way to calm him down because the normal sweet talk just wasn't doing the trick... Then suddenly, it hit me.

"The song... OUR song..." I thought to myself. Ian sat the inhaler down on the table next to my phone and laid back down onto my chest still crying, but not as heavy as he was. I know I'm not the best singer in the world, but Ian and I both love the song and I knew that it would make him see that I wasn't going anywhere. I took a deep sigh and started singing to him quietly.

"Come stop your crying it'll be alright." He lifted his head up and looked at me with his teary blue eyes still slightly weeping. "Just take my hand," I ran my hand down to his and laced our fingers together. "Hold it tight. I will protect you from all around you." I squeezed him tightly and wiped his tears away with my thumb. "I will be here don't you cry."

"For I'm so small, you seem so strong..." He quietly sung through quiet sobs as he grasped my shirt tighter. I began stoking his hair continuing to sing.

"My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm..."

"This bond between us can't be broken."

"I will be here don't you cry."

Then, we started singing together.

"Cause you'll be in my heart. Yes, you'll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more. You'll be in my heart, no matter what THEY say. You'll be here in my heart... Always."

"Why can't they understand the way we feel?" Ian sang letting more tears seep through. I sighed deeply kissing away his tears and squeezing him tightly again.

"They just don't trust what they can't explain."

"I know we're different, but deep inside us..."

"We're not that different at all."

We sang together one last time.

"And you'll be in my heart. Yes you'll be in my heart. From this day on, now and forever more..." I stopped singing when I heard Ian fade away into quiet hums around mid chorus and his grip on my shirt loosen. I looked down at him and smiled. His eyes were closed while gently breathing on my chest. He had fallen asleep. I knew it was only like 3:20 or so in the day, but we were both exhausted. I pulled the blanket up from the floor and messily threw it over our bodies.

"No matter what anybody says, Ian, I will always love you. Now get some rest." I whispered to him. I kissed his scruffy cheek before snuggling back into the couch and quickly falling back to sleep to the sounds of Adventure Time and Ian's soft snores.

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