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A/N: THE REN FAM BOIS ARE BASICALLY ALL WRITTEN FOR NOW WTF ME?!?!?!?! LOLOL Oh well. Lmk if you guys want a Hakuryuu X reader (Fem of course) And I MIGHT write it. Anyyyyyway my other readers, you can see on my Wattpad/Qoutev home page. Keep in mind that my Judar X Fem!Reader X Koumei is only on my Qoutev, so you can go find me under the same username. Bye-bye, my little arrows! Love y'all! Amaria, signing off!!!

You took a deep breath, picking up the broom. It was currently about... 6 in the morning? Yeah, sounds about right. You nodded, looking at the weak sunlit Tenzan Plateau from outside your window. Your Clan's youngest was playing in the grassy fields, laughing as the parents caught up on rest. You sighed, smiling.

After the harsh winter last season, you were grateful for any herbs in your stocks. Your mentor got up, a small sigh of breath informing you that he was awake. "Ah! Mentor, you should really be resting! You worked so hard last week, I can handle the general stuff today!" You claimed, going to try and push him down. He laughed.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. I'll get plenty of rest when I go back to the beloved Rukh. There I shall continue to scold you for letting the floor get so dirty!" He joked. You huffed as the elder stood, grabbing the broom once again. Sweeping away the dust, you hummed gently while doing so. "Now, Y/n, we're getting a little low on stalks. As you know, the herbs only grow well in the mountains. Could you go get some? And if you do, make sure you don't go alone. There are wild animals!" Your mentor reminded.

"Of course, I can hang out with my friend. You know that he's a good fighter." You responded, the rhythmic swings across the stone floor stopping after you placed the broom on the wall.

"Good. You two are getting a bit close, eh? Any announcements?" Your mentor teased. You hid your face behind your hands.

"N-no! I swear! I don't have a relationship with anyone like the one you're talking!" You claimed. "I just want to be a good healer!!"

"Oh, you are so easy to tease Y/n. Calm down, calm down. That won't help your patients. Remember, a good healer always puts her or his emotions second. They are calm and collected, and only after have they have healed a patient do they allow themselves to show emotion." Your mentor reminded.

You nodded, sighing. "I know.... It's just hard to control it. I kinda feel what they feel, like actually. So when someone gets really into teasing me, I get so embarrassed and my heart beats faster and I can't think very fast, and it's hard to control that. Especially when there's a wounded soldier in front of me. I feel their panic and stress, their want- no, need to be back on the battlefield. It's like a curse...." You told him. He smiled.

"That's because of the Rukh, child. They gave you the ability to feel other people's emotions, and you are a very good healer because of it. You have the empathy, sympathy, and compassion to heal them correctly and comfort them. The Rukh gave you that for a reason, and I'm sure you'll find that reason soon. Until then, try to connect with your emotions. Recognize what causes them. After you find that out, connect with other people's. What causes their emotion? Once you know that, try to focus on your own emotions." Your mentor guided as he wrapped up a bundle of herbs.

You took a deep breath. "Okay. So... recognize my own feelings, then connect to others and how they feel it, then realize that it isn't my own feelings, so they shouldn't really affect the way I heal, right?" The summary made him nod, a proud shine in his kind, wrinkled eyes.

"Yes, exactly. If you need to calm them down, then, of course, you use your ability. But anything else is just time-consuming and pointless. It takes time away from healing your patient. I won't always be here, Y/n. You need to learn everything you can from me. And then I want you to go into the magic study, okay?"

"You... want me to learn magic?"

"Yes. You're talented and have an affinity for seeing the Rukh. Because of this, you are a magician. And your Mirror-touch synesthesia will only help you understand more about magic. You could become even better than Matal Mogamett!" Your mentor smiled. You blushed at his praise.

"Thank you so much, mentor," your voice held notes of gratitude and you blushed, brushing away some few strands of hair. "I should go get those herbs. They ought to be in bloom by the time I reach them." you went on, picking up a sachel. Putting the bag on your shoulder, you headed out of the yurt. "Bye, master."

Heal the Pain (Kouen X Fem!Reader){HIATUS}Where stories live. Discover now