meet me at the happiest place on earth

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"You'll know where to find me. I'll be where people are their happiest and where children meet their childhood heroes. Where we were the most careless we've had ever been. I want you to meet me at the most wonderful, the happiest place on earth. Meet me there in two weeks at 10 AM and I might be able to explain everything I've been doing the last three weeks. I love you.


He had received that letter about 13 days ago. When he first found a small potted cactus sitting on his desk at the Buzzfeed Office he thought it might have been Shane or even Sara trying their best to cheer him up. Never would he have dared to think that he would ever hear of you again since you just packed your stuff and left your shared flat over night and left nothing but a hastily written note that just read: "I don't know when I'll be back. Please don't hate me for this. Love you" And with that you had left his life forever, at least that was what he thought until that small cactus popped up on his desk.

Ryan did not realize that you had left Los Angeles until he came back home at around 4 AM that morning because he had been recording voice overs for the newest episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved all night and just longed for your embrace in the bed the both of you shared. But, much to his dismay, the bed was cold and untouched when he stepped into the bedroom. As sleep deprived as he may have been at that moment, he started to worry instantly. There was no logical explanation for you to not be in that bed. You did not have to be back in the office until the next morning and since your shared apartment was completely silent except for his own breathing and the slightly annoying tick-tock of the clock which sat on a wall in the dining room, his worry started to grow from second to second. He dropped his Messenger bag on the bedroom floor and turned on every light in your apartment, waking your (your pet) up while doing so.

After searching every last inch of your shared apartment, Ryan leaned against the kitchen counter while pouring himself a glass of water. Saying that he was nervous and confused would have been a total understatement. He was freaked out and did not know what to do. That was until his glance landed on a piece of paper which laid on the floor. It must have fell down when he was rushing through the kitchen in order to take a look into the storage room where you two usually left stuff like pet food and kitchen supplies.

Ryan bent down to pick the note up and his heart started beating even faster when he realized it was your handwriting. He read the lines over and over again and was both relieved and even more confused than before. Now he at least knew that you were gone on your own behalf and had not been taken forcefully. But now tons of other questions popped up in his mind.

Why did you leave?

Was it something he said?

Did something happen to your family?"

And here he was, laying in your shared bed and staring at the ceiling intently, remembering some of your shared moments.

The first time the two of you had met

You were a new intern at the Buzzfeed Office and were completely lost. Your supervisor (or "Babysitter", like they would say) had told you to give out the letters and small packages that had arrived that day and even though every worker at Buzzfeed had a sign with their full name on their work desk, these desks were a mess most of thet ime and you had a lot of trouble finding the right person. After watching you struggle for about 20 Minutes, Ryan had decided to help you and offered to walk you around the Cubicles to introduce you to your – hopefully – soon to be Co-workers.

meet me at the happiest place on earth (Ryan Bergara x  Reader)Where stories live. Discover now