Chapter One

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The sky- a dark crimson with hints of peach, that's what most people would say the sky looked like that afternoon, some people are blind witch a simple medication can fix, there are also people who are color-blind but they can still see some colors in the sky.....but that's completely different from what Rain sees, all she can see are two different shades of grey. Doctors say it's unfixable, and have no idea what has happened....especially since she used to see colors, until one night...witch she wishes to not remember..

"Rain, it's time to go inside for dinner!" Yelled my sister Abigail, who seemed too excited to eat dinner on a Sunday night.
"Ok I'm coming now" I yelled back in response, getting off the old seat-swing that has been here since we moved here 14 years ago. I walked up our small hill and into the closed in porch, I closed and locked the door and walked in the house, closing and locking this door as well, the smell of apple pie and fried pork chops hit me, I got instantly hungry and sat down at the table next to my sister and across from me my step-brother- Max, who surprisingly wasn't that bad, he was sixteen, a year older than me.
> "Hey Rain, mom said that dinner will be ready in five minutes!" Max said before I ask him.
> " K, thanks Max"
Just like he said, five minutes later my mom and step-dad put the food on the table, and sat down next to each other.

> "So guys are you ready for school, it starts in a week?" My mom asked looking at us all
> "Yes" Said Abigail looking happy know that one of her favorite subjects has just been mentioned, my sister Loves school.
> "Same here" Said Max, who is fine with school
> "kinda" I Said, my mom knows I hate school, for a few reasons but the one I tell her is that the homework takes to long, and I can't get to do the things I want to in the time I have left

She smiled and then we went back to talking and eating, we talked about our days and what we wanted to do tomorrow.
Abigail was going to hang out with her friend Cindy who was 16, she is the same age as Abigail's. Max was going hiking with his friend Lucas who is also 16, and Lucas's twin brother Leo. My step-dad was going to work at his wood shop, and my mom was going to go run some errands. And I like every Monday-Thursday was going to work at my moms restaurant, it is technically mine now, I'm just to young to own it, but I'm the manager and I have the owners role, I'm the youngest there but some people say I'm the best cook/Baker there and will pay more to have me make there order.

After we ate we all got ready for bed and went to sleep- except me, when everyone was asleep it was 9:47 so it wasn't to late, I went outside in the forest and the cold air didn't effect me as much as it did a few weeks ago, I walked on the path to our shed and went inside, I grabbed the bird food and left, I closed the door and threw the seeds on the ground. After that I put them back in the shed locked the door and made my way back, when I made it back to my room my clock read 10:00, that was my fastest record yet, I have been doing that for about three months know because of more animals eating the birds food, I know it's been helping because I can hear more birds now, and my family points out the different birds out more often than before, it makes me feel happy.

After that I finally get in bed, I look around at my grey filled room and watched the wall until I fell a sleep.

I woke up to the wind coming threw my opened window, I looked at the clock and it read 7:46, witch is three hours before I need to get up, so I got out of bed and put my clothing for today on, brushed my teeth and made my breakfast witch had poached eggs, buttered bread, and 3 pieces of bacon, I also made the same for my family and woke them up, they thanked me and eat the warm breakfast and went to do there things, I still had an hour an a half left till work so I packed up what I needed witch only took me a few minutes. I was tired of waiting inside so I went out on the swing and listen to the birds and wildlife

But soon enough my peace was disturbed by my phone alarm, I sighed and got up and started to walk to work, the air was like a nice cool night just enough wind and sun. By the time I'm half way there more houses started to appear, more noise of cars, and less bird calls. Soon when I'm a block down the noises went back to quite and less houses, this is because this is the nice part of the city we're not many cars come and more birds. As I was walking I hear some kids laughing, non were familiar....except for one who I remember so clearly- but it's in a bad way, one day at my work, our new trainee new this kid from school and stopped him from hurting this other kid. He decided to be a devil and "accidentally" spilt his stainable drink 5 times on our new carpet, when I caught him I took his drink away and told his parents what he was doing, they at first didn't believe me but I told them we have security cameras if we really need to prove it. I also told them if he does something like this again today he would have a 5 month ban from the store. Sadly enough he tripped our new trainee and I had to ban him and take him out. This boy also goes to my school witch means I'll have to deal with him when school starts.

Soon I made it to the corner we're the grey sign was that said **Stop** I walked across the street and there in front of me was my restaurant. It a little bigger than an average medium size restaurant. The sign still read closed, there was 20 minutes left until I had to change the sign. As I went inside there were 7 people already there cleaning, they welcomed me and I went and helped clean up some more. After ten minutes of that I started the kitchen up, set things up for food and appetizers. All the plates with table numbers were set up when everyone who worked here was here. Then it was time for me to open the shop, so I flicked the light and the sign lit up "Opened".

In a matter of Minutes we all ready had 6 tables filled and 4 bar places token. Me and the other chiefs went right to work.

By the time the place wasn't in a rush it was already closing time 7pm. Wow time does fly by quickly. The only bad part of my day was when I almost had a panic attack that one of the stoves weren't working but the non just feel off- it sucks that we already need a new stove to replace this one, it's one of the newest here- it's about 1 year old know and with the modern and up to date equipment this should still be up and running perfectly fine for another 6 to 10 years. There must of been an error or something so I got a one of my waitresses who used to be a mechanic a few years back and she said that it was missing some parts inside the stove during to making of it, we could fix it but she said it would be less money to just get a new one. I decided to also check and she was right, it had missing parts inside the stove...but how did it work for a little over a year if we use it everyday...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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