Gave an Inch, Took A Mile.

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Raising his eyebrow, Lucy looked at his girlfriend, watching intently as Kokoashi adjusted her reading glasses.

“I’m taller.” the bookworm announced, a smirk plastered on her face.

“What?” he repeated. “No, you’re not. We’re the same height.”

He crossed his arms with an indignant huff. Kokoashi shook her head, smirk wide on her face. “Nope. I thought so too, but no.  You’re definitely shorter.”

Humoring his girlfriend’s comment, Lucy stood up from Kokoashi's couch and paced over to her. With a satisfied smirk, he brought his hand up, dropping it on Koko's head and moving it horizontally over his own hair. "See? Same height." He gave a satisfied grin.

As if expecting this, Kokoashi only hummed before staring down at Lucy's legs skeptically. “Uh-huh. Take off your sneakers.”

He recoiled. “What? Why?”

“Take ‘em off.”

Lucy crossed his arms. “At least tell me why.”

“You know why."

“Is this some clever plan to see my feet?” Lucy asked, feeling the momentum in the argument swing in his direction as Kokoashi's eyes flared at the accusation. “I never took you for that kind person but hey, I don’t judge.”

“Yes, Lucy.” She played along. “I wanted to see if you have cat paws under those sneakers.”


“Of course not, shoes off.”

“Alright, fine,”

Lucy pulled off his sneakers, holding them before dropping them from chest height all while staring down Kokoashi with a competitive glare.

Returning the favor, Kokoashi marched up to Lucy and repeated the height measurement test Lucy had used earlier. Only this time, Kokoashi was up by three inches.

“See?” Kokoashi asked. “I’m taller.”

Refusing to accept defeat, Lucy looked down at Kokoashi's legs and noticed her shoes that she often wore on work days.

“No fair! You still have your shoes on.”

At this point, Kokoashi knew she had the advantage. “It doesn’t matter, Lucy, you know my shoes aren’t anywhere near as thick as your sneakers.”

Humoring Lucy’s desperate plea for a redo, Kokoashi kicked off her shoes. Once again, they compared their heights, standing back to back.

Kokoashi was up by an inch, which might as well have been a mile to Lucy

"See, you're shorter," the now verified taller Kokoashi spoke.

"Nuh-uh. This isn’t over, Koko." Lucy protested again, rushing out the room. "I'll be right back!"

Alone, Kokoashi started chuckling to herself at far the petty argument was going.

Running back in, Lucy held a bright red marker and presented it to Kokoashi.

The valkyrie accepted the marker and marked Lucy's height against the wall.

“See?” Lucy asked, his back straight against the wall. “Same height."

“Wait a minute. I just noticed something.”


“Your poofy hair adds about an inch.”

Lucy scowled. “So?” he asked. “Hair is still me.”

“Well, in that case, I’m still taller,” Kokoashi said.

“Fine whatever, just take the damn measurement.”

Kokoashi obliged and marked a tiny line right above Lucy’s head, making sure to press down on Lucy's poofed up ponytail.

“Okay done,” she said.

“My turn. Make a dot so we don’t get it mixed up.”

She handed Lucy the marker, smirking as she stood against the wall, almost as she was expecting the upcoming results.

Lucy only grimaced when he saw his line disappear behind Koko’s head.

“How about we just call it off?”

Kokoashi shook her head. “Too late. You wanted to get the marker out.”

“Well, you started it.” Lucy grit his teeth and marked a small dot just above the back of Kokoashi's head.

Moving away from the wall, the two inspected the lines. Kokoashi was taller by a total of one inch. And Lucy hated every millimeter of it.

“Face it, Lucy. You’re shorter,” Kokoashi concluded.

Lucy crossed his arms again. “I am not short!”

“I didn’t say short, I said shorter.”

Well whatever, in the public eye, with these sneakers, I’ll be just a bit taller.”

Kokoashi giggled. “But you know,” she started. “You’re always going to have a nagging feeling in the back of your mind, always reminding you that I’m the taller one.”

“So what? What do I do with this startling revelation?”

“Well.” Kokoashi laughed. “You could try to stand on your tiny toes and kiss me.”

“You know what? I think I just might.”

Lucy stood on his tiptoes in a joking manner, making him loom over Kokoashi before bending down and giving Kokoashi a light peck on the lips. Lucy, blushing furiously, forced himself back down tilting his head (just a tiny bit) to look at Kokoashi.

“You know,” he spoke up, “I already miss you being shorter than me.”

There was a light giggle before before Lucy moved to lay down on the couch. “Oh well, I guess I can wait until tomorrow when I see you working. The natural balance of the universe will be restored.

“Bite me,” Kokoashi said, holding back a laugh.”

“You could never win in a catfight,” Lucy countered.

Giggling, Kokoashi lay on the couch with Lucy, in which he hugged her in his arms. “You’re not gonna let me forget this, are you, Koko?”

“Never." she smiled, removing her glasses before placing them on her coffee table

“Well, you won this round. Enjoy it.”

“I will, Shorty.” Kokoashi said.

Lucy looked down at his girlfriend, nestled comfortably in his arms before biting his tongue and deciding to just accept defeat in this argument. He had been doomed from the start.

Still, Lucy could say that mild frustration was felt when his slight height deficiency became apparent. It didn't take long for him to realize that it came from a feeling of inferiority that was standard in what was known as the Short Man's Complex.

Lucy sighed and smiled at the girl nestled in his arms. He gave her head a light smooch before laying his head on the couch. Just this once, he would accept defeat. For now, the only important thing was cuddling and if there was anything Lucy loved. It was cuddling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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