12. an egg

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Jisung's POV

Sooji immediately raised her hands. "I-I wasn't here to make a mess. I-I-I didn't even know you were here." I calmed her down because she was panicking. She inhaled and exhaled.

"I-" I shushed her. "Look, I'm also not here to blame you," I sighed. "Why did I even ask that question? I should get going. I still need to find Hoyeon." I said and pushed the cart with me.

I stopped when Sooji spoke. "I'm sorry." I looked at her and her head hung low. "I'm just.. sorry. I mean it."

"Hey." She looked up at me. "I know that, now stop apologizing. We don't mean any of this to happen, right?" Sooji didn't move. "I'll get going." I walked away, pushing the cart in front of me.

I looked around until I saw Hoyeon near the candy section. I smiled. "There you are." I opened my arms to hug her but she turned around, eyebrow raised and arms folded. I stopped. She saw what happened.

"What happened back there?" She asked, her voice serious. "I was gonna tell you. Sooji and I accidentally saw each other, okay? I was trying to find you. She said sorry again.. and she means it." Her features softened.

"You sure you're not lying?" I wrapped her around my arms. "Oh, love, why would I lie to you? No secrets, right? I would never lie to you. You gave me your trust, I gave mine back. There is no reason for me to lie to you." I kissed her temple.

Hoyeon hugged me back. "I'm so grateful to have someone like you, Jisung." That warmed ny heart. I pressed my lips on her forehead and we broke the hug. "Come on, we should head back." We went to the counter and paid for the snacks we bought.

We walked back to our apartment to see our friends camping outside. Mark stood up and raised both his arms, one hand holding a cellophane. "Finally!" Hoyeon and I chuckled and I unlocked the door. We all got inside and I placed our own snacks on the counter.

Minnie and Hoyeon sat on the couch, where their position is yesterday. Jaemin and Mark still on the floor near the TV, watching Shrek the Third. Jisoo and Jihoon placed the snacks on the counter just like what I did.

"Dude, Jeno can't come," Mark said while playing Crowd City. "They also have to do their project." I looked at Jihoon and raised a brow. He looked at me then laughed. "Oh, we finished ours yesterday." He waved his hand.

I nodded and sat beside Hoyeon to peek at Minnie's laptop. "I polished it yesterday night. You might want to check it out." She said and let me and Hoyeon have a look.

Hoyeon smiled, which made my eyes stuck on her face. Dammit. "This is perfect, Minnie." Minnie smiled shyly and Hoyeon looked at me. She raised a brow. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Your face was so distracting." She punched my gut. "Ow! For real!"


Minnie's POV

Hoyeon approved of my work. "Snacks, y'all!" Jisoo announced and they placed our snacks on the table. I took a chocolate chip cookie and bit on it while still searching for something that I might have missed.

"Psst. Hey," I turned my head to Jaemin and he was giving me an amazingly beautiful grin. Wait, what? "What?" I raised a brow. My face went hot when he put his arm on my thigh and looked at my laptop screen.

"You're still searching? Aren't you done working?" He asked, then chuckled. "By the way, that rhymed." I rolled my eyes and I was gonna minimize Google Chrome when I remembered HE WAS MY GOD DAMN WALLPAPER.

I sighed, thankful that I remembered. I closed my laptop and Jaemin pouted at me. "Why you close that?" I took another cookie. "No particular reason." I said, shrugging.

He squinted his eyes at me. "You're hiding something." Mark popped up beside Jaemin and also squinted his eyes. "Porno." I gave him a look and they both laughed. "Firstly, I don't watch porn. Secondly, I am not hiding anything."

"I'm not gonna believe that."

"Maybe her history is clean because she uses incognito mode."

"Shut up, Mark."


Hoyeon's POV

When lunch came, Jihoon cooked for us. "Aahh, I miss your cooking so much~." I said, standing beside Jihoon in front of the stove. He chuckled and broke an egg, spilling the contents on the pan.

I backed away because the oil started to pop. "How come the oil won't stick on you. I once got a pimple because of that. And I was a kid!" He finally laughed. "Maybe because it hates you." I pouted and hit him with my hip.

A knock on the door came and I immediately rushed to open it. It was Shinhyuk and Haechan. She was breathing heavily then immediately bowed again and again. "I'm sorry if I was late! I ran some errands for Mom. Our maid didn't come."

"You should have told me. I could have hired you a new maid." Haechan said. My jaw dropped looking at him. He looked different, wearing a white shirt inside with white black-striped polo outside, pants and Converse.

He grinned. "Do I look okay?" Shinhyuk looked at him in awe. "You look amazing!" I said and a blush was suddenly on his cheeks. "Come in." I paved way for them and they went inside.

"Couz!" Mark and Haechan did their hand shake. Jaemin looked at them with a smile on his face. He always smiles, though. Haechan sat near the TV, giving unbossly aura. He smiled at my fond expression. "Get used to it."

"What?" Shinhyuk and I asked at the same time. "I'll be often like this because.. yeah, I'm courting Shinhyuk." Everyone in the room silenced except for the sizzling pan in the kitchen.

I grabbed Shinhyuk's shoulder and moved her back and forth. "Why didn't you tell me? I could've like called for a wedding." Haechan chuckled. "Nah, I'll handle it."

"Wow, dude." Jaemin looked at Mark and gave him a look. "He's so jealous, y'all." He said and swatted Mark's face away from his. "Jealous of Shinhyuk, HAHAHAHAHA." Jisoo said and we all laughed.

Mark gave us all a look. "I still didn't forget when y'all shoved Hoyeon's notebook on my face."

"Oh, you were gonna pay for that, though." Jihoon said, untying his apron. Mark groaned and threw his arms on the couch.

When I turned my head back at Shinhyuk, she was already talking with Haechan and playing with his hair. Haechan's head was on Shinhyuk's lap. They smiled at each other. Aww.

"Aren't they sweet?" I looked at Jisung and smiled, nodding. He kissed my forehead and stood up. "Come on, let's eat."

"Yow, Hoyeon. Jisung did an egg and it looks good!" Jihoon called and pointed at a plate. Jisung tried not to let me see, but Jisoo pinched his side. I looked at the plate and my uwus are bursting because of the egg.

I looked at him. "You did this?" He rubbed his nape and slowly answered. "Yeah."

"Cooking Papa, though." -Mark

"Shut up, Mark." -Minnie

"He still plays Y8 and Friv, that's why he knows." -Haechan


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