Chapter 13: New Roommate

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Song Quote: Sweet Dreams
"Sweet dreams are made of this Who am I to disagree? I travel the world And the seven seas, Everybody's looking for something"

Your Pov:
It was late into the evening. The moon shining from above as everyone went about their nightly routines.
Three ninja were up on the top deck training before heading in. You decided not to disturb them instead focusing your attention on your small flip phone.

Pressing buttons you dug through the contents in hopes of connecting the dots. You were walking back to your shared bedroom where Lloyd was already in bed reading a comic book waiting for you to tuck him in.

You looked through the contacts list as the small screen illuminated your face. There were no numbers listed except yours and one other name. Rachel it read and the picture accompanying it was the same woman that popped up in your pictures.

You clicked the contact dialing the number holding the phone up to your ear you hoped someone would pick up. But the chances were slim but it was still worth a shot.
As you listened to it ring waiting for someone to pick it up you notice something red run into Sensei Wu's room.

Tilting your head you stayed there a moment listening to the call in your ear go straight to voicemail.
Sighing you closed the phone ending the call walking down the hall to investigate the bedroom.

Staying eerily silent you crept into the room gently nudging the door open looking in spotting Kai wearing a green ninja suit.
The fire ninja jumped around the room dancing and twirling like he had no audience.

Watching from the shadows you pulled out your phone once more taking a recording of the scene before you.

"Woohoo!" He exclaimed punching the air evidently enjoying himself. You kept a poker face wondering if this was an invasion of privacy while your phone recorded it all.

"Fiyaaa!" He exclaimed moving his arms around chanting commands so his powers will do as he wills it "Unlock fire! Uh, fire go! Shoot flames!" 

You tilted your head at his actions only shaking your head at his insistence on power that cannot be forced. "Oh, come on. Everyone else can do it so can you" He groaned growing frustrated yelling "Bring heat!"

Feeling a tap on your shoulder you turned seeing Jay, Cole, Zane and Nya standing there wondering where the fire ninja could be you gave them a silent wave and pointed inside the room.

They slowly crept into the room while Kai had his back turned you followed behind with phone in hand capturing the moment.
The fire ninja got down doing push ups with one hand. When he jumped to his feet he looked into the mirror seeing everyone's reflections.

Whipping his head around as everyone laughed at his antics he jumped a bit in surprise. "Very nice, perhaps if you tried the phrase 'Fire Dork'  maybe it might work" Cole teased with a smirk on his face.

"How long have you all been watching?" Kai asked as he took the green hood off frowning in embarrassment.

"Too long" You replied looking down at the video and showed your phone to him. You saw his face scrunch up in displeasure pleading for you to delete it.

Jay awed gesturing to his clothes "Woah, the green ninja suit that's awesome." 

"Well I was looking for some kind of clue from Sensei and I found this" Kai replied gesturing to the suit warily.

𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝, 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕 ||Ninjago x Reader|| Slow UpdatesWhere stories live. Discover now