Day 1 - music

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Based off the song jealous by labrinth.

A soft melody drifts through the open door of the kitchen from the old radio that Bakugou forgot to turn off. It's a tune that Bakugou recognises, but can't remember. It's the same kind of familiar as when you walk down a street that you've been down once before and you vaguely recognise the corner shops and flower baskets on apartment windowsills, but you can't remember why or when you were there before. Bakugou thinks for a moment that he should probably go and turn the radio off, but he doesn't.

Blowing through the slightly opened window, a gentle yet sharply cold gust of wind ruffles through Bakugou's hair and clothes. He's distracted from the radio's melody momentarily by the thought that he should probably go and close that window, or the heavy rain that's beating down on it might get blown into the apartment and soak everything on the inside as well as out, but he doesn't.

Bakugou never moves from where he's sat, eyes glued to the tv screen in front of him. It shows live footage of another city (miles and miles away from the safety of Bakugou's apartment) where there's been a villain attack which was ended quickly by the two heroes: Red Riot and someone else Bakugou never bothered to remember the name of.

And, right there on Bakugou's tv screen is Kirishima in all of his cheerful glory. His hair's far longer than the last time Bakugou saw him, and it's pulled back into a loose bun with wisps of hair sticking out in different directions, having fallen free from it's secure place during the fight and now being blown all over the place by the wind. Like the rest of him, his hair is dripping wet from the rain. Water droplets trace down his chest, shoulders and toned stomach and arms. And it hurts far more than it should to know that it could be Bakugou's hands tracing gentle lines down Kirishima's body instead of the raindrops. It could be. It should be.

But it isn't.

Then Kirishima starts running towards something, or someone, but Bakugou doesn't know what. The camera moves too, just in front of Kirishima, displaying his impossibly bright and impossibly wide smile. It covers his entire face and there's a familiar twinkle in his eyes that instantly takes Bakugou way back.

It takes him back to nights in his dorm room where they've been studying for hours and finally, finally, something clicks and Kirishima understands. It takes him back to sparring outside of classes and the first time Kirishima managed to hold out just long enough to win and he'd smiled bright enough to rival the sun. It takes him back to a hand reaching out to him, calling him, from way up in the sky and how he'd held onto that hand like a lifeline and Kirishima's eyes had twinkled like the stars in the sky behind him. It takes him back to pointless teasing, and bubbling laughter, and gentle touches, and finally finding a true sense of home.

But then Kirishima reaches his destination and there are arms around him, holding him closer than Bakugou ever had and it shows. It shows in the way Kirishima clings back, like he can't bare to let go. And both the heroes are so high up, shining with the stars, holding each other like Bakugou had held Kirishima's hand. But they're landing from their high, and they don't let go. Not like Bakugou had. Instead Kirishima's smile is taken, hidden, by the other mans lips and it all feels so wrong because Bakugou knows that could be him. That should be him.

But it isn't.

Bakugou's hand moves by it's own accord and the tv screen goes black.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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