Her old life...

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Mina used to be a good and savage girl ( still is?) living with her grandma and her parents , some cousins and siblings . She only had one problem , she was smart but had no school.
So a lot of she asked her grandma (because her parents are always working)if she could enroll her into a school "Any kind of school could do grandma!" And her grandma would say "Sure sweetie! I am looking for one" but it didn't happen but this time , her grandma did find one so she enrolled Mina in the school. The school was fairly expensive. Mina took the test and said "That was a really easy test grandma" so her grandma said "I hope you passed!".


When it was time to go to school for her first day , Mina woke up as early as she could , cooked her breakfast and took a shower . She was ready and kissed her parents before they could leave and thanked and kissed her grandma "Thank you grandma! I love you , see you later!" Mina said , her grandma said "If someone bullies you know what to do!" "Yes I do grandma , okay bye!". As Mina was walking to her school she saw some of her classmates walking to school.
Mina(M): Wow , this is really my first day of school
*At class*
?: Hey , are you the new girl?
M: Yeah? Why?
?: Wanna be friends?
M:Uhmm sure? Yeah , why not.
Sydney: My name is Sydney! You?
Mina: The name is Mina.
Sydney:So you wanna know who the bully is here?
S: Its Rebecca , she is really popular and almost everyone in the whole high school wants to be her.
M: Oh wow , "amazing"
S:Haha! I love your sarcasm.
Rebecca(R): Hey you two losers
M:What do you want?
R: Hey poor girl! Don't you talk too me that way , YOU ARE SOOOOO POOR!
M:You are so annoying
*everyone gasps*
(No one has ever spoke to 'Becca that way!)
M: .... I have one word that you have probably never heard of because you are so spoiled.
Mina was getting annoyed because of Rebecca so Mina slapped Rebecca instead because she thought that slapping her would be an easier solution to make Rebecca shut up , and it did so Rebecca started to cry like a baby so Mina and Sydney left her.
Everyone gasped and were shocked when Mina slapped Rebecca and the face!
So Sydney and Mina left outside to go to the canteen and buy food even though it wasn't even lunch or recess time yet.
(At the café)
S: I C A N N O T B E L I E V E W H A T Y O U J U S T DID to REEBBAACCAA!! Mina please......
M: wha-
M : okay okay bruh , chillax that was nothing.
S: u aRe crAzY !
M: All you have to do is not care
M: Bruh chill , who cares?
S: ...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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