Chapter 1. Started With A Dream

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Luna's devil form at top

Luna's dream pov

Flames were every were. Screams and cry's heard from every corner. All I could see was a women with beautiful red crimson hear and red eyes her features I couldn't even see with all the smoke in the air.

Running with my palm in her warm gentile hand not knowing who she was we ran not knowing were to go. She put me were other kids were and ran outside with out a good bye. I didn't want her to leave so i went after her.

When the smoke cleared my eyes landed on the red eyes i saw before they were different. There was no since of life in them. I don't now why but all I could do was run to her she wasn't alone i saw a man with black hair and white eyes to also with no life both of them covered in blood. When I got to were they were I saw a boy he looked like he was eleven like me he had white hair like the man but with red tips also he had one black eye and one red eye.

What he was holding surprised me. Two katana's covered with blood not just any blood. The two people that wear sprawled against the floor surrounded by a pool of blood. Like the eleven year old i was all i could do was sit and cry and say, " w-why why would you do something like this to these kind people." and with a sound of silence and a little chuckle all he could say was ," they took something precious of mine and in return i took something of there's." and with a pause he said, " there lives." and with that every thing went black.

     Third person

 Luna woke up with an urge for some air with what she just saw even though she was used to all the nightmares it still frightened her. She still couldn't understand of what happen even explain it to her therapist when she had them. All she could do is cry and say nothing of whats going on in side her head. She has been doing it ever since she was twelve. Even if she wanted to say something she still didn't now what she thought the dreams were was her past before she forgot at the age of twelve.

With all the thoughts in her head of what happened running around for thirty minutes she decided it was time to get ready for school. She went to turn on her lights to her Japanese themed room then went to her closet. She picked out a red tang top and a black crop top with imprinted words in red that said  gorillaz. She then went to here wardrobe and picked out black ripped jeans that she know dame well that her red vans will top it off with the whole thing. She went to her bathroom to strip and put on the pair of close on.

After she changed she took her long ass black hair with red tips that went to her knees and brushed it with her favorite brand brush. She then put them in pigtails, when she was done she took her red toothbrush brushed her teeth then hurried down stairs to great her parents.

When she reached down stairs she got a warm open hug off waffles, bacon, and eggs at 7 in the morning. When she smelt it knowing that food is her favorite thing in the world she ran down stairs hooping she could claim the biggest waffle downstairs before her little sister and brother did.

She got there thanking the lords that she was the first child up since her brother and sister get to sleep in. Grabbing a plate and picking the biggest waffle she could find she kissed her father saying, "Thank you for getting up early to make us your special breakfast." while grabbing her bacon, "After all it is your little sisters thirteen birthday" he said in a tired voice back.

"Shot I forgot to get her something, hey dad what kinda paint did she want again." Luna said in a worried voice. " The one that you had used in art clas-". "Pleas don't tell me the eighty dollar paint."she said a little aggravated by her sisters choice. "Yep that's the one." Luna thought to her self that her sister was a spoiled brat but she well get it for her sis anyway. With dad staring at me knowing she has the money she thought and said, "Fine ill get it for her after school, witch reminds me I have to go." Eating my breakfast as fast as she can like sonic the headchog with finally finishing getting up and ruining to grab her bag and into the hall to put her shoes on"love you dad tell mom I said I love you" yelling in the hall,"No problem and love you to hope you have a good day at school."

Out the door she went waiting for her BFF jolly to pick her up with her blue ford. texting her 'I'm outside' waiting for her reply and with a sigh she was there. Getting in her royal blue ford and buckling my seat belt. "For a second I thought you were gonna leave me outside in the cold." Luna started with the conversation, "Why in the world would I leave you out in this hell of a weather in October." Jolly said without a hesitation.

"Good point" Luna said with a chuckle. "hey did you hear about the three new kids that are coming to school" jolly said with excitement. "Do you think they would be part of the popular group or no." she asked with anger on the word popular. " I don't now as long as there nice or leave me alone I'm fine with it" and throughout the whole ride they just talk about plans in the future and school.

Luna's pov

In my mind I thought the new students thing would be small but no. Everyone was talking about if the tree were girls or boy, nerds or popular, or the would be part of the football team or on the basketball team. Drama these days goes out of hand these days. We met up with the rest of the gang of weaboos and went to homeroom.

When we got there all we heard was talking and flirting in my class and when I walk in I thought I was in a dream but it was real. I looked at the girl in front of me and she looked just like me but with white tips and white eyes and with Jolly by my side I had my mouth open able to catch two hundred fly's and the first thing I said was "Who the fuck are you." and she laughed saying these words that blew me away "I'm your twin sister Stella. Stella mega and you must be Luna Mega my long lost twin."              

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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