Love Never Fades...Well I Thought It Didnt(Buffy The Vampire Slayer Fan-Fiction)

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Its kind of hard to explain my story,you see I'm a hybrid but not just any hybrid i'm a part witch and part vampire.I have the speed,strength,sight,smell,extended hearing and fangs of a vampire.But i don't have to drink to much blood because I'm only half.I have control over all the elements(When using fire i have best control) ,can cast any spell you throw at me,i cant get killed by a stake(because if you do end up putting a stake in my heart i will come back to life and i will kill you instead of you killing me)and i can walk in sunlight (i thinks its weird but i guess any hybrid can walk in sunlight)

Ooh i just realised something i didn't introduce myself well here's my full profile:

Full Name: Jade Blaise Black.

Age: 959 (But looks 18).

Appearance: Long dark brown hair down to waist,icy blue eyes,5'6.

Birthday: 29 November 1053.

Color: Electric Blue.

Crush: Spike <3

Foods: Chocolate mousse,Pigs blood and Humans blood.

Job: P.I.(Private Investigator) 

Family: Tracy Black(mother) Deceased,John Black(father) Deceased,Kelly Black(sister) Deceased and    Dylan Black(brother) Deceased.

Friends: Spike,Buffy,Angel/Angelus,Darla,Dawn,Cordelia,Willow,Xander,Giles,Wesley and Anya.  

Foes: Drusilla 

Info: well me name is jade I'm 959 years old , favorite color is electric blue i can play the guitar and sing sometimes, favourite food is chocolate mousse,all my family is dead,i have skill's in karate jujitsu and wrestling, I'm rich and i have a very strong dislike for Drusilla,she was so weird sometimes like i could ask her ''Drusilla are you hungry?'' and she'd be all like ''the stars are pretty, aren't they?'' and we would be inside and it would be the middle of the see where I'm coming from don't you she was defiantly dropped when she was a baby. But i haven't come across her in over four century's,the last time i saw her i was in Paris.Speaking of which i haven't seen or heard from any of Spike,Darla,Angel/Angelus in years i thought we would've crossed paths by now but we haven't and I'm getting lonely so that's why I'm moving back to Sunny Dale hoping to cross path with one of them because i miss them so much. 

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