A Dirty Exchange; Involving A Tomato Freak And An Exotic Flower.

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Yawns and low chatter were heard during the world conference meeting. This year it was held in N. Italy's place and the Italian was going on and on about nonsense. Everyone, and I mean everyone couldn't care less about the Italian's blabbering. Mei felt like she was going to die of exhaustion, though she knew the Italian as a friend. He was still a tiny-bit annoying to her. Mei yawned while trying to keep a professional look to her.

She looked around the huge, long table in curiosity (or boredom) at the other nations. She saw The Swiss nation with his little sister and the Belgian woman resting her head lovingly on her Spanish's boyfriend's shoulder. She slightly cringed at the sight, due to the fact that she hated anything romantic or lovely-dovey since she wasn't in a relationship and was getting pissed by the endless blockbuster American romantic movies made by yours truly; Alfred. She turned her gaze in front of her, diverting her eyes from the nauseating couple, and what she saw; gave her a little shock. It was Lovino, the big brother of Feliciano. Sitting, right across from her. You're probably asking your self, 'why is she shocked?' Well before the meeting started, the Taiwanese girl happened to arrive early and chat with the host country. During this conversation, the Taiwanese revealed (due to constant asking) about her sex-life and how it sucked. The Italian hearing this reveled his big brother's similar situation, and now Lovino just so happens to sit right across from her, staring and not moving his gaze away.

Millions of scenarios sprang up in her head. Could it be that Felciano just so happened to seat Lovino there? Maybe it was just coincidence, but one things for sure. He knew about her situation, she could feel the intensity of his eyes. Or maybe her hair was messed up.

Now realizing she's started to stare at the Italian country. She diverted her eyes embarrassed, which made the Italian also divert his eyes away.

-Two Hours Later-

"Okay! I think we're done with the meeting! Vee~" Feliciano announced.

Everyone got up and rushed for the door, releasing relieved sighs and merry chattering with their fellow countries, but Mei had only one thing in her mind, and that was him. She had no plan of strategy, she only knew she needed too see him. So she gathered up her courage and approached him in the hallway when he was about to walk away. She tapped his shoulder and he turned around to the face the shy Taiwanese girl. He gave the girl an apathetic look, as he did with other people.

"What do you want?" He asked flatly.

She took a moment to process her words and ignored his usual tone with people.

"I- would like like to see you alone... If's that okay." She asked while diverting her eyes away from him shyly.

The Italian rose an eyebrow at her question.

"Fine, whatever." He asked in his normal annoyed tone.

She nodded and took him to an empty meeting room, and made sure to watch for anyone coming by. The room was lit by the sun's light, making the room more open. There was a table with two chairs. It was the perfect room, yet Mei had no idea what she was doing and didn't know what to say or do. Romano on the other hand had an idea why she had asked him to come with her and decided to speak out. So he faced forward and looked her in the face.

"If you invited me because of me staring at you earlier, then I apologize for that." He stated.

"Oh no.. It's nothing about that, but thank you for the apology." Mei commented back

He rose an eyebrow and now had no idea why he was here with her, but his curl twisted in a alert. An idea came to him and it made him anger. What if he told her?

The Tomato Freak and The Exotic Flower (Hetalia Smut Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now