Gwilym Lee x Reader

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It was a spur of the moment decision to take a road trip with the boys and Lucy. Joe calling you saying he's 15 minutes from your house asking if you wanted to go on a road trip to West Virginia for a weekend of hiking. Of course you said yes.

Once you set down your phone you immediately got to work packing. Grabbing plenty of socks and sweaters, knowing it would be chilly up in the mountains. Grabbing your water bottle, you hear a large commotion on your front porch.

"Y/N we're here open up! We aren't going to rob you!" Joe yells.

Laughing to yourself you open the door to see Joe and Ben smiling as they make their way into your house.

"I've missed you guys so much! I'm all ready to go" You say as you embrace them both. You move to grab your backpack while Joe gets the snacks and Ben gets your suitcase.

"You know we're only staying 3 nights I don't see why you need this much stuff" Ben huffs out as he picks up your suitcase to put it in the car.

"You never know when you will need another sweater or a pair of leggings!" You say to defend yourself. Both guys move out to the car while you lock your door. As you walk to the car you realize that Gwil is sitting in the back seat. You and Gwil have always been more than friends but have never acted on it, not knowing if the other will return the feelings.

Once Joe and Ben pack everything up you all start on your way, with Ben driving and Joe in the front seat controlling the music, while you and Gwil sit in the backseat.

"How have you been Y/N?" Gwil asks as he situates himself to be facing you more.

"I've been doing good! Missing all of you guys obviously" you reply with a roll of your eyes.

"Hey your life would not be as fun without us in it and you know that" Joe says as he puts on Backstreet Boys.

"No it would not" You say under your breath as Gwil giggles at your remark.

After several hours of driving you start to get drowsy.

"You can lay your head in my lap if you want" Gwil says with a bashful smile.

"That would be greatly appreciated" You chuckle as you lay your head in his lap, unfolding one of the many blankets in the car and draping it over yourself. Before you knew it you were off in a blissful sleep.

You wake up to Joe smacking you in the face.

"Wakey wakey little bitch" Joe says while lightly smacking your cheeks.

"That doesn't even rhyme!" You protest while you rub your eyes. When you fully awaken you realize that you are at the cabin that you would all be staying at.

"Rami and Lucy are already here, they beat us by 3 hours because sOmBodY had to stop at each gas station to buy more m&m's" Ben says sarcastically while making murder eyes at Joe.

"It's not my fault they're so delicious and I love them!" Joe says in his defense.

"Can we please just unload the car and find our rooms?" Gwil says looking defeated. Having been awake with both Joe and Ben you couldn't imagine the conversations that must have prevailed in the car.

"Yeah yeah whatever" Joe replies while pulling out everyone's luggage.

Once yours is pulled out you make your way into the cabin and hug Lucy and Rami as soon as you see them.

"It's been way too long"Lucy says as you hug.

"I though we would go mad if we didn't all see each other soon." Rami says while smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2019 ⏰

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