Chapter 17

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As my vision adjusted i saw two masculine arms holding me in their dangerous embrace, my eyes slowly looked up the length of the man's arms, eventually my E/C orbs landed on beautiful familiar green eyes, making mine widen, me in this demons embrace? I must still be dreaming.

thoughts raced through my head, my heart racing faster, but even if i tried to i couldn't look away from his hunger filled eyes, it was as if, one glance away from his orbs and he would pounce. Devouring me like a starved lion devours a zebra.

Perhaps the real reason i wouldn't look away was because his eyes were more beautiful than a polished and cut emerald. Perhaps it was just fear, or perhaps it was because of the storm of hunger and other emotions i could see within his eyes.

"You're crying..." he finally spoke, breaking the silence.

My heart was racing, was i really crying? I hadn't even realised.

"I-i am?..." my voice was quiet and shaky, now that i thought about it my vision was rather blurry, it must have been from the tears.

He nodded slowly, one of his hands gently caressed my cheek before wiping my tears, his touch sending shivers down my spine. Confusion swimming through his eyes.

"Why?.." he spoke softly, the husky tone in his voice however never left his voice

"Because you reminded me of someone.." i looked away, my view now on the piano.

There was silence between us after i said that, i looked over at him from the corner of my eye. He looked deep in thought.

He then turned back to the piano and began to play again, this song was slow, emotional yet it made my heart flutter.

The music made me close my eyes and bask in the bliss it made me feel.

A warm embrace met my hand, leading me out of the seat.

I opened my eyes slightly and it was the tall demon, he never took his eyes off me. His emotions unreadable.

Before i knew it he was slowly dancing with me, every step perfect, i on the other hand stumbled a bit. How long had it been since i last danced? 3 years?

"Just relax... let your soul follow the music..." he said quietly making me gulp. I tried my best to relax, closing my eyes and focusing on his embrace and the music, my stumbling lessening more and more over time.

His warmth soon travelled to my waist, his arm wrapped around me pulling me closer.

Corvins P.O.V:

"You reminded me of someone..." y/n said

'Reminded her of someone? Who could I possibly remind this human girl of? And why would it make her cry? Perhaps they hurt her? That pisses me off.' i bit the inner part of my cheek as i turned to the piano, my best friend and worst foe.

'maybe if i play another piece she will stop crying... not that i care.. But only i can make her cry..' my fingers began to gracefully hit the keys, not once faltering.

As I occasionally glance at the girl i get an idea, slowly removing my fingers but using my power to make the piano continue its piece i slowly slip my hand into her hands embrace, leading her away from the piano.

'I wonder if she can dance. She doesn't seem to be the type to fancy it but perhaps i can swoon her...'

Of course I was correct. She wasn't very good at dancing, she was too tense. Stumbling over her own feet. It was rather.. Cute? No. maybe..

"Just relax... let your soul follow the music..." I said quietly, somehow making her gulp. I couldn't help but feel a smirk tug at my lips.

I watched as she closed her eyes and tried to relax, her stumbling lessened but she was still rather tense. So I did what anyone would do. I slowly snaked my arm around the smaller beings waist and pulled her closer, she gasped slightly, her hands gripping the clothes that covered my chest. My eyes couldn't look away from her lips, they looked so soft. A light shade of pink. The longer I looked at her, the hungrier I felt. And it was driving me insane.



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