14. maybe you should

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Shinhyuk's POV

Haechan and I both ended up cooking for each other. Everytime I glance at him, he flashes a smile and continues on what he was working on. I'll just chuckle and also continue on my work.

I was waiting the water to boil when I felt his hands on my waist. He slowly crawled them upwards until it found itself comfortable on my breasts. I chuckled. "Oh, Haechan.."

He chuckled back. I whimpered when he squeezed both my boobs. He massaged it like he owns it and I can feel his breath on my neck. "Why do you need your bra when you have my hands?" I laughed and I moaned when he squeezed my right one tighter.

He kissed my neck and finally let go. Haechan kissed my cheek and the water finally boiled. I put the dried ramen in it and waited for it to soften. Haechan popped up from beside me and put the spices in it.

I noticed Haechan glance at me. I smiled. "Can you stop looking at me like that? You just became my boyfriend." He smiled back. "That's the point." He said and hugged me while stirring the ramen.

When Haechan made sure that it was done, he poured it into a bowl and placed it on the counter. I was gonna put my stool on the other side but Haechan grabbed my stool. "You sit beside me." I chuckled as I put the stool back in its place.

I sat on the stool and we both started to eat. We talked about things as the night went on. After maybe an hour, our bowls were empty and it's ten o'clock. "Haechan, I have to go."

Haechan smiled and held my hand. "I know that. Come on, I'll take you home." I placed the dishes in his dishwasher and we both left his condo.


Author's POV

Shinhyuk and Haechan went down the building and to the parking lot. As they passed by the busy people, what they didn't know is that a rumor will be hatched tomorrow.


Hoyeon's POV

The next day, which is Sunday, Jisung woke me up not because he wants some cuddles but because Mom's here. I immediately sat up. "What did you say?" I asked Jisung. He pinched my cheeks. "Your mom's here."

I stood up and went to the bathroom to wash myself. I immediately dried my hair after doing so and changed into a jacket, pants and my slippers. The shoes would be later. I immediately went down the stairs and saw Jisung giving Mom tea.

She smiled at him. "Thank you." Her eyes dropped to me and she stood up. "How are you, my little strawberry?" She hugged me tight that I can barely breathe. Jisung tried to hold back his laughter.

"I'm fine, Mom," I replied and broke the hug. "Why did you visit? Not that I'm complaining." I said and sat down beside her. "I just miss you, sweetheart. And I wouldn't be long, though. I still have a meeting in ten minutes."

She leaned down and whispered. "I knew you two would get back together." I blushed and waved my hand. "Mom~." She just chuckled and sipped the tea Jisung offered.

"Did he treat you well?" I nodded and smiled at Jisung who's making breakfast in the kitchen. Jisung glanced at us and he smiled. I felt Mom kiss my cheek, making me look back at her. "I have to go, sweetie," She stood up and tapped my shoulder.

"Take care of her, Jisung, okay?" Jisung nodded. "I have to go. I'll visit some other time. Bye~!" Jisung and I waved goodbye at Mom. When her car drove away, I heard Jisung curse in the kitchen. I stood up and walked towards him? "What is it?"

"We ran out of chocolate milk." I chuckled. "Is it necessary? Oh, it is. I'll go buy it." I said and started to walk to my room, but he pulled me back. "I'll go. You walk like a drunkard when you just woke up."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, wow, okay." He kissed me. "Just kidding. I'll also buy a few groceries. Finish cooking. I love you." He kissed my forehead and grabbed his jacket and wallet, then went outside. "Take care!" I shouted.



Minnie's POV


"Mom?" I asked from downstairs. I was reading something in my phone when she called me. "Go buy some fruits for your father. We ran out of them last night." She said.

I slipped my phone in my pocket and grabbed my coat, along with my wallet. "Yup. I'll get going!" I went outside our house and walked towards the near convenience store.

I accidentally dropped my wallet and kneeled to pick it up, but a hand was already on it. I stood back up and stayed frozen in place when I found out it was Jaemin. "J-Jaemin!" I exclaimed, trying hard not to go red.

"Good morning. Oh, here," He said and gave me back my wallet. He put his hands in his pockets and smiled. "Where are you heading to?" He asked. I pointed at the convenience store beside him. "There. My mom asked me to buy some fruits."

He nodded. "Come on, I'll help you." I raised a brow. "Eh? Really?" He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Yep, silly." He pushed the door open and let me inside. He followed behind.

Jaemin and I went to the fruit section when we passed by Jisung. All of us looked shocked to see each other. "Jisung!"

"Hi, dude!"

"What are you guys doing here.. together?" He gave us that look. I rolled my eyes and I can feel a blush on my cheeks. Jaemin chuckled. "Haha, Sungie. I'm just gonna help Minnie buy some fruits."

Jisung shrugged, a smirk on his lips. "Whatever you say. See you around." He walked away and Jaemin and I continued to go to the fruit section. I picked the fruits that my father likes and it was a lot. "Here."

I turned around and Jaemin was holding a basket. I smiled. "Thank you." I heard Jaemin reply 'you're welcome' while I placed the fruits in the basket. We walked towards the counter and I paused halfway when I saw something.

Jisung and a girl.

He was patting her shoulder because she was crying. "Hey, stop crying. It's all in the past now, okay? You're not that Sooji anymore." Oh, so her name is Sooji. "What is it?" Jaemin said, looking at the same direction as me.

"Oh, Sooji." He said the name casually. I looked at him. "You know her?" I asked. He nodded. "Jisung told me about her. She's his ex. Also Jisoo noonah's sister. She keeps on apologizing to Jisung and Hoyeon for being a bitch when Sungie broke up with her."

I just nodded. "Should I tell Hoyeon?" Jaemin shrugged. "We're really not in the position to do so, but maybe you should. Just tell that you're uncertain."


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