Brother, Oh Brother

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Mistaken Identity.

It was quite late that Thursday night when I rang the bell. The door flew open and the good looking guy who answered it, took one look at me and grinned.

“Good!” He said. “You’re home. Lost your key again?”

Then to my utter surprise and before I could answer, he grabbed hold of me and kissed me hard on the lips. His arms wrapped themselves around my body tightly and his tongue wormed its way into my mouth and explored it wetly. Despite my surprise, I thrilled at his kiss; it was electrifying. Shock waves of excitement buzzed through my body and my junk twitched madly in my undershorts and my dick stiffened instantly. My legs started to tremble and my arms went limp and my bag slipped from my grasp and dropped to the floor with a dull thud. Then his eyes suddenly flew opened and he released me quickly and stepped back, a look of utter confusion on his face.

“You’re not Jasper?” He said surprised.

I reached out and steadied myself with a hand on the door frame, my breathing a little fast and ragged. My knees trembled uncontrollably and I was finding it a little difficult to remain standing.

“No,” I croaked, still gathering my wits after being manhandled. “I’m . . um . . Preston.”

In my excitement, I could barely remember where I was, let alone who I was.

“His brother? His twin?” He asked, his eyes wide.

I took a deep breath, pushed myself upright and nodded.

“Yeah!” I replied and bent and retrieved my bag. “And I must say that that was one hell of a greeting!”

He turned and walked into the room. I stepped inside and closed the door.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry,” he said. “But I thought you were Jasper.”

“Jasper’s a lucky guy,” I remarked with a slight quaver in my voice.

He turned and faced me, a sheepish grin on his handsome face.

“I’m really sorry,” he said again, his arms spread beseechingly.

“It’s okay,” I replied and took another deep breath. “I take it Jasper’s away at the moment.”

He put his hand to his forehead and rubbed it absently.

“Yeah,” he said. “Travel expo. I’m expecting him home any time now.”

“I see,” I said. “And you are . . ?” I left it hanging.

He jumped as if he’d been kicked and then stepped towards me, his hand out.

“Sorry,” he said. “I’m Richard . . Richard Carter.”

“Well, nice to meet you Richard Carter, the pleasure was all mine!” I said and took his hand and shook it solemnly. His palm was warm and his grip was strong and firm and it sent a shiver down my spine. My equilibrium went off balance for a second. He released my hand and stepped back.

“Um . . have a seat . . make yourself comfortable. Would you like some coffee or something?” He asked, assuming the role of host. “Maybe something to eat?”

“Thanks, but I ate earlier,” I said. “Just some coffee would be great.”

I moved into the living room and dropped into the couch, my bag at my feet. He went through to the kitchen and I heard him clattering about. My breathing slowed to normal as I let my eyes roam around the room. I took careful note of the elegant but subtle décor. Jasper had done pretty well for himself I thought. Nice apartment and a live-in boyfriend – a hunky live-in boyfriend who really knew how to kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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