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This is a message to someone I don't know,

someone who In a moment of desperation reached out.

This is a message to someone in pain.

In pain and scared of her own body she asked for help.

She asked us about how to live with the constant pain.

She asked us if it would ever go away, or if it would ever get Better.

I wanted to help her but before I

could the message was gone,

never to be seen again.

I wanted to tell her that I know that pain, that I live with it every day.

I wanted to tell her that it never goes away, that it always hurts.

I wanted to tell her that with every slight brush or gust of wind it spikes.

I wanted to tell her that she won't learn to live with it, that she won't get used to it.

I wanted to tell her that it always hurts just as much as the first time.

I wanted to tell her it will always be

her first thought when she wakes up, and her last when she drifts off to sleep.

I wanted to tell her to hold on to it.

I wanted to tell her that every moment it threatens to break her, is a another moment she was strong.

I wanted to tell her that if she can still stand even with the constant pain, she will never falter.

I wanted to tell her that every step weighed down with pain, is a step that will never fade.

I wanted to tell her that the pain is not what makes her strong so that she can live on.

I wanted to tell her that she is strong so she can live on even with the pain.

I wanted to tell her that she won't learn to live with it, that she won't get used to it.

I wanted to tell her that she is stronger than the pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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