Chapter 1

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"Freaking School, stupid teachers, damn year sevens tripping me up all freaking time," I hear Avery mutter as I pass the school gates. Like everyday after school, she's whining. "I just got set a stupid detention for asking for help! Honestly, I hate her!" She then finished her rant with a scream that caught the attention of god knows how many people.

It's like this everyday. I meet up with my friends after school, and we walk home. I'm always the last one to pass the hellish gates, as you can tell. I hate school; It's boring, dull, a place to hold all your misery together, did I mention boring?

"Oh, get over it, Avery. This shouldn't be new to you," I hear Max state as I pace through the crowd of tired teens, walking home, "You get detention nearly every week now," he adds, and I've got to admit, he's actually right.
"Whatever, jerk," Avery roars, crossing her arms in frustration.
"You two argue like a married couple. Just get a room already!" Sam yells, realising that wasn't such a great decision.
"All of you! Shut up! I'm trying to read over here," Ellie shushes them quietly. It was a failed effort though.

I roll my eyes as the group notice my sloppy posture I hold when I reach them.
"Oh lord, she's at it again," Avery declares, looking for a fight which she's going to get soon. "It's been months! You can't let it affect you like this. You're becoming a garbage bag. I mean, look at that," she points to my shoes, holes in the soles. I roll my eyes at her, letting her know that I couldn't give a shit.

"I wear what I like on my body, thanks very much," I retaliate to her unwanted comment.
"She does, finally, hold a point though," Sam declare's, rubbing his head with his left arm.
"What would you know?" I ask him, "It's not like your mum died!" I growl.

The silence growing in the group at that point was unbearable. Tears welled up in my blood-shot eyes, dripping down my tired cheeks: I let the salty taste drip into my mouth.

The breeze starts picking up, sending my blue hair rushing forwards and backwards into my face. I roll my eyes for the third time in five minutes, wiping my fatigue-filled eyes.

"So, How was school?" I heard Ellie murmur, trying to get a reaction out of everyone, "Everyone except you, Avery. We know how your terrible day with Mrs Pohgun went already,"
"Mine was okay actually," Sam commented, "Sir decided we should make elephants toothpaste! It was so exciting! We watched as he poured the different liquids into the flask, then out of nowhere came this... this giant flood of foam!" He gasped, not breathing at all whilst saying that, "and did you know," he went on, "Elephant's Toothpaste doesn't get used to clean an Elephants's teeth?" He yelped with excitement, clapping his hands with a giant beam of light howling across his darkened skin.

We all gasped in a sarcastic manner, Ellie rolling her eyes in boredom. She turned to me, "What did you do today, Vex?" I honestly don't remember much. I was too busy writing drawing pictures during my lessons. My mum, in particular. I made sure to lessen her figure, like she always said she wanted to do. I drew her platinum blonde hair blowing across her face, but making sure it didn't cover up her eyes. Those glimmering eyes.
"Not much, to be honest," I reply, so they don't question me further.

"Well, I had art, music and drama all in one day. It's been a loooooong dayyyy," Max hums, to try and make us laugh. Ha. The only thing I laughed at was his poor singing voice.
"What about you, Ellie?" I asked, my arms folded against my chest.
"It depends. I can tell you all about book-"
"Oh lord Jesus baby yeetus! No!" Avery yelled, her face crinkled with disgust, her arms waving in front of her, aiming for Ellie's mouth. But Ellie backed up, holding her books close to her heart. Sam looked at me, acting like he was going to read my mind. Instead, I furrowed my eyebrows and bent down to pick up my bag, then started to walk off. Sam beckoned the others behind me, pacing along to try and catch up.

As we head towards a row of houses, I let out a tired sigh, noticing a beautiful red rose, sitting on the grass. I bend down, gawking at the magnificent creature. I went to take a closer look at the blinding beauty, until Avery pushed past Ellie and Sam, and decided to step on the special flower. I just stared at her, wondering how she could crush a captivating plant like that. "What did that plant ever do to you?" I ask, walking up to Avery.
"It did nothing to me, but it stopped you from walking faster," she replied, a vicious taste in her mouth. I just hissed back at her and continued to walk.

It wasn't long before we reached my house with perfect timing: the gods above decided to cry, making it pour down with rain. It must have been a laughing cry, because thunder roared and clapped all over, making me jump. I dropped my bag, and rummaged through it, trying to find the keys to my house.
"Hurry up, Vex!" Avery hissed, covering her 'beautiful' hair with her hands, "my hair isn't going to stay like it is in this disgusting weather!" She growls.
"Well maybe if you put more care into your education and forgot about your looks for just one second in your life, you'd figure out there is such a thing called hairspray," Ellie retorted, backing me up. We all laughed at her comment, Avery rolling her eyes, nudging Sam, telling him to stop laughing. Which he did.

I was still fumbling through my bag when I heard Max say: "woah! Guys? Do you see this?" We all looked up, following his pointed hand. To our surprise, we see a beautiful butterfly, gliding through the wind and rain. "It's colours are really strange," he continued to point out, "red and black? Huh. Never seen that combo on a butterfly before!" He finished.
Ellie looked up at the butterfly, her face showing signs of confusion, but I grabbed the keys, forcing them into the keyhole. As I opened the front door, I was pushed out the way by a panicked Avery, gently brushing the rain off of her hair and clothes, Sam who was stupid and forgot to bring a coat, Max, who didn't seem phased by the rain, and Ellie, who quietly muttered to herself: "I didn't think butterflies flew in the rain..."

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