Me vs. The Media

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I can't believe it. Like at all. Everything seems so unreal, as if I'm having a dream. Only it's not a dream, this is reality. And in reality, I, Blair Taylors, a small town girl from Aviemore, Scotland (literally only 2,000 people live there) have just won the ninth season of X-Factor UK.

Here I am, on the X-Factor stage, smiling like an idiot because of the 21,000 people in the audience going absolutely mental over me. Not to mention the recording contract with Syco Music!! That's probably the best part of it all, the ability to do what I love for a living. I sighed, thinking about how far I've come and imagining the future. I wonder if I'll finally be able to buy a horse... That'd be nice. I smile to myself as I remember the first time I ever rode a horse...


"Mum, do I really get to ride today?" seven-year old me asked, practically bursting with excitement over the thought.

My mother grinned as she looked down at me, "Of course Blair-Bear," she replied, using my nickname," and you get to pick which one you want to ride!"

She laughed as I squealed with joy, no longer able to contain my excitement. "Thank you mummy!! I can't wait!!"

She smiled, "Now come over here so I can help you get you ready to ride, we don't want to keep your instructor waiting now do we."

I nodded and obeyed, thinking about what horse I might ride... A black one, a white one, a grey one, maybe even a unicorn!!! Oh how I wanted to ride a unicorn... I wonder if they have a unicorn here, I bet they do. What kind of horse stable doesn't have a unicorn?!

"Blair!" my mother's thick Scottish accent brought me back to my senses. "The instructor says to choose one," she said, nodding toward the eight different horses in front of us.

I frowned slightly when I saw that there was no unicorn, but instantly perked up when I saw him. "I want to ride that one!!!" I pointed to the tall, reddish-brown horse with a black mane, tail, and lower legs.

The instructor grinned, "His name is Flyer, he's a retired race horse." My mother looked a bit worried, while I, on the other hand, was even more excited. "Don't worry miss," the instructor said, catching my mum's frightened look, "he's great with kids and doesn't go fast unless you want him to." the instructor assured her with a smile.

She nodded then turned to me, "Be a good girl Blair, you know about the safety so you should be okay, and make sure that you listen to everything Ms. Avery says, and don't scare the horses!! I'll come get you at 6:00, yeah?"

I nodded, "Okay mum!! Bye!" she waved at me, then left.

The instructor smiled and showed me how to mount Flyer, then turned and mounted her own horse.

"First we will go to the arena and walk in a circle to get you used to riding a horse." Ms. Avery said kindly.

I nodded eagerly as she led Flyer and I down to the arena. The lesson went on and I listened and obeyed, but all I was really thinking about was how free, how alive I felt on top of Flyer.

~~~~~~~~end flashback~~~~~~~~~

I blinked as Simon nudged me out of my daydream and back onto the X-factor stage. I looked up at him, confused as to what exactly was going on.

He sighed, obviously annoyed that I had zoned out on live television, and repeated the question. "So Blair, now that you have won the X-factor, is there anything you would like to say?"

"No, Simon, there is absolutely nothing that I want to say now that I have won the X-factor and have been signed to Syco." I replied sarcastically.

He glared at me and rolled his eyes, "Tell us more about the 'nothing you want to say', Blair."

I grinned widely at my mentor, "I'll do just that." I faced the audience, which was still cheering for me and cleared my throat. "First of all, I'd like to let you all know that I will not say anything until all of you," I pointed at the audience, "have quieted down." Most of the crowd complied, but someone decided to shout "I LOVE YOU BLAIR!!!"

I laughed and replied, "I LOVE YOU TOOOO!! Now shush or I'll walk off stage!!" I stuck my tongue out at the audience. Finally, it was dead silent in the building; you could literally hear a pin drop. I smiled, "Thank you... For being quiet" I heard some people laugh, and then get shushed. "Also, thank you all for supporting me, you have no idea how much this means to me. Two years ago, I never even thought about auditioning for this, let alone WINNING... Blah blah blah, you know the story..." I laughed "I also really want to thank my mum, my dad, my brother, and my friends, AND all-of-the-fans-that-I-hope-I'll-get-to-meet-someday-because-I-love-them-and-they-are-amazing for supporting me and voting for me. Ummm, yeah... I think that might be all-" I was cut off by a fake-coughing Uncle Simon. I rolled my eyes at him, "Fine Simon, you get one too." I turned back to the audience, "Actually never mind, I want to thank a couple more people: my vocal coach, my stylists, and everyone else who helps out on the show. And last but not at all least, I want to thank my one and only mentor, Simon Cowell, for pushing me and coaching me to be the best I could be." I looked at Simon to see if that was good enough for him, and he gave a satisfied nod.

"Alright, that concludes season nine of X-factor UK! Let's give it up for our winner, Ms. Blair Taylors!" Simon exclaimed, and the audience erupted into cheers.



Ok guys, so this is my first story here on wattpad (and basically ever) so a little constructive criticism would be nice ahaha

And I also need...words? I guess (haha idk..) for example, maybe some words or expressions I could use because I'm from the USA, a California Gurl (see what I did there? Cause Katy Perry's song is..u know..) to be exact, and I don't really know what people say 'across the pond' lol I'm weird.

So yeah! Constructive criticism, I need it...

And a cover, I need that too...

And people to actually read this book/story/whatever

OH YEAH!! And this is copywrited by me

I don't really know all the legal terms and stuff but yeah, take my story (I don't know why anyone would, it kind of sort of maybe horrible) and I will... Get legal people involved!!!

Oh yeah, and can someone help me figure out how to change the chapter name?


Sara XD

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