The Other Universe.

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Authors note.

Hello, this is my first time on here, and well I found this on my computer, I wrote this last year but yea. I like it :) Hopefully you do too. It is a bit out there but hahha. Enjoy

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Chapter 1

One stormy rainy day, I sat at my old window in my spotless room, bored. There is nothing to do on this boring farm. I thought to myself. My name is Juela and I had already milked all of the cows, cleaned the horse’s paddocks and collected the chicken’s eggs. It was just my parents and I. I am an only-child which was in my case, was very lonely. I am home-schooled by my mother, so of course I had no friends. Our house is very big, and there was one room in the house I’m not allowed to go in. My grandfather lived with us for a while then passed away. He was a nutter and lived until he was 89. The last words he had spoken was to me, “keep away from my room, which things can harm you if you dare to peek.” I was 7 at the time, so of course I had no idea what he was talking about and forgot about his “warning”, but my parents didn’t and kept me away from the room at all times. There must be something worth seeing in that room if mum and dad wanted me to keep away from it. I thought mysteriously 5 years later. You could say I was a very curious and an adventurous girl. I had no idea what the future had in store for me, until I entered my grandfather’s dusty and old room.


Chapter 2

When I peeked in I saw nothing, at first. I saw a little blue bird bouncing on the creaking floorboards all of a sudden. It was weird because I noticed all of the windows were shut and dusty. The bird was gesturing for me to follow it through the wall. It was like something on the other side was calling me, just me. The bird was chirping loudly. But I didn’t mind because dad was outside in the barn with the animals and mum was buying bread at the store which was an hour away. That was when things got very weird then. The little peaceful blue bird started to grow taller and then it spoke. “Follow me.” Was all it said. I thought I was going crazy, because I was watching its beak when it said something. Then I realised that it was talking to me in my mind. All of a sudden I was hypnotised by this now big bird, and I followed it through the wall unthinking. I felt a great feeling running through my spine. I had my eyes shut tight when I felt a natural breeze past through me and the sun shining bright over me. I gasped in amazement. It was like I just entered a new dimension, full of possibilities. The grass was cool underneath my feet. I heard a loud raw in the distance when a striped Tiger emerged from behind a close tree.  It was just beautiful. I thought to myself. When it roared it looked even more magnificent. Then I noticed something, it was running straight at me.


Chapter 3

 It was a blur of action, as the fast moving creature ran straight at me. It opened its mouth up wide and held out its claws as it leaped for me. Then I was pushed back against a tree trunk by something strong and built up. I knew straight away that it wasn’t the tiger, because I heard a yelp of pain from the animal. I glanced up to see the big blue bird changing into a wolf. It started to fight off the tiger until it fled into the bushes. What was happening to my world? I wondered. A peaceful little blue bird then became a big silver wolf. It glanced at me, then sensed my fear and ran over. “D-o-o-n-t t-t-o-uch m-me” I stammered. Then it spoke again, but in my mind. “I’m sorry if I scare you. I really am, but you need to trust me because I am your guardian now.” “What do you mean?!” My voice was filled with a mixture of an attempt to be brave and fear.  “My name is Zal and I am a shape shifter. I used to protect your grandfather from misunderstood animals in this world. That was Dawl, did you grandfather tell you anything about this land?”- I shook my head and replied, “No he said nothing, but my parents always made sure I kept away though.” “Hmmm okay.  This forest isn’t safe, well not since your grandfather passed away. You see, Juela you are a destined to be queen of Zafria, when you turn 13. Your grandfather was the King of this land for 78 years. Am I correct that you are turning 13 in a few weeks?” I nodded and he kept on talking. “Dawl wants to take away all of our prize possessions, like your soon to be crown. He- Am I making any sense to you Juela?” I replied slowly. “Kind of. But you’re going a bit too fast for me. I’m not sure if it’s because you appear as a talking wolf or because you’re talking about my grandfather. All of a sudden a horn blew over the now blowing trees. Zal’s eyes grew big and he gasped in horror as he said urgently “we have to go. Now.” His tone was so serious I decided not to argue with him since his hand- yes he had changed again back to human form- was squeezing my wrist tightly when he was pulling me behind him like a rag doll as we trudged on through the forest. We passed a few animals which were purple with turquoise swirls on their body which bowed at us when we passed them and in no time we stopped where Zal wanted us to- I think.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2012 ⏰

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