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She's in High School. Her Freshman and Sophomore year were pretty good. She has tons of friends. She has friends from different sports, classes, other states, and friends since childhood days. Freshman year was hard because she was going to a High School with a different group of kids. Only 5% of everyone she grew up with went to the same school as her. And luckily for her, they were all her close friends. She met so many new people and loved the school so much. Freshman year was easy. During the winter though she was caught by her parents trying to attempt suicide. She was home bound for quite some time. She learned how to appreciate every moment in life. She got better. She came back to school and everyone was excited to see her. She thought staying alive was a good choice and she's glad she got help.

Sophomore year came along. Everything was going great. She had friends in all her classes and was playing soccer all the time. What could get better than that? Towards Spring time her and her friend decided to manage the boys lacrosse team. They're all hot is was she constantly said. And then there he was. (One of her friends she met Freshman year. At the time, he had a girlfriend. When she heard that her hopes shot down. But they broke up and he's been single for over a year). She always thought he was gorgeous. But never really thought of him any more than a good friend. Most of the lacrosse boys didn't really pay attention to her. They'd walk past her without a glance or hello. But he would always come out and talk to her. He'd ask her how her day was and just being a sweetheart. They started texting very friendly every day since that lacrosse season started. The more and more they talked, the more and more she really liked the kid. Looking into his blue eyes were amazing. She loved blue eyes. And she would tell him all the time how much she loves his eyes. It's like she got lost in them.

He was a very genuine kid. He was open about anything, random, funny, weird, athletic. Just like her. After a while she noticed something. Feelings? Yes, feelings. She was too nervous to tell him. They'd flirt all the time but she didn't think someone like him would like her. He was everything she liked in a guy. You know how when you're young you have your definition of a perfect person for you? Your ideal guy/girl. Well, this guy was hers. Everything she said she likes in a guy was all him.

One day she got the courage to tell him she likes him. When he responded back "I like you too" a rush of happiness went through her body. It was a crush. And that's all she ever thought it would be.

Junior year comes. She's still single. But still with this guy. They've been together for a while, but not dating. During that time she fell for him and he says he fell too. They tell each other they love each other and when they're together it's like no one else matters.

People, mostly her closest friends, tried to stop whatever those two had. They said he doesn't like you, he's talking to other girls, you don't love him and all that crap no girl wants to hear. Some of it was true though. But not 100% true.

There was always this one girl that got in the way. And she would always wonder why? If he loves me, why is she even in the picture? The road was bumpy. But she loves him so much that she waits for him. Is it stupid? I don't know. Is it worth it? I don't know. Will she get hurt in the end? I don't know. The more this goes on she fells like she's not good enough. She's down on herself. And wonders why is it so hard for a guy to want me and love me and show me it all the time? She can't leave him though. Why? Because she fell in love with him. She fell for his smile, his eyes, his kisses, his touch. Everything. And lately, he's all she has. Her friends barely talk to her anymore and if they do it's normally them being rude to her for no reason. She only finds herself happy with this one guy. When she's not talking to him, she's upset and overthinks.

They get into little arguments. She cares so much that she freaks out. She just wants him to know she loves him. And that she'd do anything for him. He says he's not ready for a relationship. And she's okay with that. Just as long as they have each other. And no one in the way. No one on the side. She wants to know he's all hers and she's all his.

Everyone is constantly trying to stop what they have because they say he wants someone else. To be honest, it makes her feel like shit. Like she's not good enough for anyone. She's told to move on. Move on? Not easy. If anything, she wants to fight for him even more. He makes her happy and a real happy. It's not a fake a smile and live the day faking it. He brings out the best in her.

She can't picture losing him. She'll feel all alone. She's already halfway there. She cries a lot. She cries because she loves him and wants no one but him. She wants to spend time with him and know everything between them is real and that there is no one else. She needs proof. That she is who he wants.

So what's going on? She doesn't know. Right now everything is a huge question.

She wants to be able to hold his hand and not worry what people say but to show him off. She wants to watch movies at home and scratch his back. She wants to go to his soccer and lacrosse games and support him from the sideline. She wants those random phone calls where they talk about anything and everything. She wants to be able to treat him right. Like no girl ever will. Like no girl ever has. She wants to show her love to him all the time. And she doesn't want to give up.

She loves you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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