Bills return!?!?

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It's been 5 years since we killed Bill. 5 years of torture. Mable has started to bully me and so have all the kids at school. Now we're going back to Gravity Falls. 

' Why do I have to come back with her?' I ask myself 

All she does is talk and if I don't listen to her then she hits me. That's why I don't want to be around her. Our parents died about a week ago. Mable cried and she changed a lot. I cried and now I have nothing. She keeps reminding me that it was all my fault that they died.

" Dipper! Dipper Pines, you listen to me right now!" Mable yelled

" W what?" I asked

" We're here!" she squealed 

I knew she was gonna get me for not listening to her. I got off the bus and there were our Grunkles waiting for us. Mable got a hug and I got a pat on the head. We head to their car and start driving to the Shack. 

" Since you guys are older you can't share a room. So who wants the guest room?" Grunkle Stan asked

Of course, Mable called dibs so I got the attic. I went up there and started unpacking. I laid on the bed hoping to fall asleep. I did after some time.


It's all your fault.

You should've been the one to die.

You made their life so difficult.

Why did it have to be them and not you?

Why are you still here?

No one can love you.

You're such a failure.

Go away and never come back.

Go kill yourself loser.

I woke up and grabbed my knife. I started to cut away at my skin. I cried softly and repeated those words over and over. I cut once, twice, 20, 30 times. I kept saying ' You deserve it.' 

When I was done cutting, I bandaged my arms. I went back to bed. I couldn't go back to sleep so I just stared at the ceiling. 

' I wonder. Would anyone really care if I die?' I ask myself

I got up and got dressed into different clothes and went outside towards the woods. I went to that lake that was in the middle. I look out at the water.

' Should I drown myself? Or use my knife and stab myself? Which one?' I ask myself

I look at the water.

' Maybe I should just drown myself. No one's here to save me. Like anyone would care if they were. They'd just encourage me to do it. I take my step and fall into the water. I close my eyes and my mouth drops open. I can feel my lungs fill up with water.  I lose consciousness and I start to feel light.

Bills POV

I see Pine tree fall into the water. What the hell is he thinking? A midnight swim? I watch him. Waiting for him to come back up. But he doesn't. Then I realized what it was. It was a fucking suicide attempt. I dive in after him hoping I'm not too late. If he dies so do I. I love Dipper. I grab his arm and pull him up. He isn't breathing. I push down on his chest as hard as I can. After about 5 hard pushes I hear him cough.

He opens his eyes and looks at me.

" B Bill!?" he yelled

" Hey there Pine Tree! Mind telling me what that was about?" I asked him 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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