Small World - Chapter Three

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CJ told us that we could find some place to rest and plan our quest in the Automotive Section of the antique shop. The antiques; themselves, called that part Gas Tank - a territory full of all things mechanical and rugged. I remember walking through a door behind one of its shelves to get out back and eat my lunches. Now, I watched from the front seat of the car as different parts of old Chevys and Buggies hung from the ceiling at monstorous sizes.
"There's a motel we can rest at for a while. I know the owner here; he's a good friend of mine. He sheltered me before I moved in with the snobs back at the doll's house," CJ explained, as we parked the car under a shelf.
"Where is it? Everything looks like it normally does during the day," Ahanu asked, looking everywhere around us.
"It's behind the walls. Can't you hear it?" CJ replied.We all paused and soon heard the laughs and hollers of antiques behind the wall the shelf was in front of. I gasped.
"It's all in there?"I said.
"You better believe it. I was just as surprised as you are when I found this place."
We all followed CJ to a vintage metal sign that said 'OPEN' after climbing up to the top of the shelf. She shifted the sign to reveal another tunnel that had been dug through the walls. This time, it almost went straight through the other side, making the journey shorter than the one near the Abenaki tribe...
"You put it behind a fake sign," Ahanu suddenly said, grinning. CJ chuckled at his remark.
"What are you talking about?" I asked. CJ raised her brow at me.
"Geraty, you work here. Don't tell me you can't spot the difference between a real and fake vintage sign?" she asked.
"I'm still confused..." I flushed with embarrassment.
"Geraty, the sign is not a proper vintage 'open' sign. It is a replica; meaning that nobody will want to buy it," Ahanu explained, putting a hand on my shoulder and grinning down to me. "Crumby employee..." CJ muttered. Ahanu tried to hide a laugh with a cough.
"Hey! I only started work here these holidays," I punched his shoulder playfully.
"I don't live here like you guys do."
"And that's what we're hoping to keep the same," CJ said firmly, making her way through the tunnel. Ahanu held the sign open with one hand and helped me step up into the opening with his other hand. I swear I felt my face flush with red.When we got over to the other side, Ahanu and I were awe-struck at the sight. The entire wall had been hollowed out to create shops and apartments in the walls. I was totally amazed. All the building-fronts and insides were made out of old doll house parts or other items. It was really creative. There was colour and life; all lit up by probably thousands of yellow fairy lights.
"But, how did they fit all of this in the wall? Surely it must have been too thin to make places on either sides," I asked CJ.
"Good observation. I was told that, bit by bit, they managed to expand the walls each night when the shop was closed. They chipped away at old bricks to make smaller ones for a new wall. Apparently, it finished after 5 years of hard work."
"5 years... that is astounding," Ahanu acknowledged.
"My level of hunger is also astounding. Where can we eat?" I asked.
"Well... antiques don't really need to eat. But, there are a few people who are still like you and I, Geraty. I may be a doll, but I still need to survive somehow."
"But you don't look like a doll right now."
"Not now; no. But when the daylight shines over, I freeze up and turn into plastic," CJ replied flatly. I felt guilty for asking her.
"I'm sorry..."
"Don't apologize, Geraty. It's just how it is; nothing else to it. C'mon, let me take you to that motel. We can find some food there."

We soon were walking through a little wooden door into a motel called Barnaby's Motel. As we walked to the front desk, I couldn't help but freeze at what I saw. Behind the desk was a set of chattering teeth. It looked over to us and... smiled?!
"CJ! It has been a long time. How are they treating you at the house, my dear?" he spoke, in some sort of Italian accent.
"Meh. They're snobby; but at least I have a home," she replied.
"Barnaby, this is Geraty and Ahanu. Geraty-"
"No, no! No need to explain to me anymore. I can see her with my own eyes. I'm not just a set of teeth, after all," he chuckled, making CJ smile.
"We need a place to stay, my good man. Is it any trouble if we rest in a room for a few hours?" Ahanu graciously asked.
"If you are a friend of CJ's, then you are a friend of mine. Please, make yourselves at home."
As the others started to make their way up the stairs, I held back for a few moments. It was odd, but I could feel something lingering behind me. Turning around to the window next to the front door, I saw a dark figure. He seemed like he was wearing the shadows, and all that you could see on his face was a maniacal grin. I felt my body freeze in fear.
"Geraty, come on!" CJ called from the stairs.
"S-sorry! I'm coming," I managed.

CJ went into 'town', (I guess that's what they call it?), promising to return with food. Meanwhile, I was sitting on the edge of one of the two beds in our temporary room. Ahanu paced the floor.
"Have you felt any more pain on your back?" he asked me, pausing. His dark brown eyes could see into my heart, damn it.
"Uh, I'm not sure. Could you, um..." I trailed, feeling my face warm.
Ahanu gently smiled, as if trying to reassure my trust in him. He sat behind me as I turned, letting him examine the tattoo. He sighed with annoyance.
"There are no words. Just the timer," he said. I could feel the tip of his finger brush over my back; curving on my spine. He must have been tracing around the timer. I felt my body shiver slightly.
"Are you alright, Geraty?" he asked, letting the hem of my shirt go.
"No... " was all I could manage, feeling my bottom lip quiver.
Ahanu saw the pain in my eyes. He held me close to him, squeezing my body a little. Hesitating, I let my arms wrap around his body.
"Please don't cry, Geraty. I-I don't want to see you cry..." he said, moving one of his hands to my head, combing through my blonde curls.
"I didn't want this to happen, Ahanu... I just wanna go home," my voice trembled with ache and sadness. 
I couldn't fight my tears back; I let them fall.
Suddenly, Ahanu got up for a moment. I stopped sniffling. Not willing to look at me, he patted the bed, signalling me to move to him. He laid on his back. At first, I froze with uncertainty. Do I dare? My gaze travelled to his face; which looked so worried for me. Finally caving in, I shifted so I was laying next to him. I felt more tears roll down my cheeks. He soothed me by playing with my curls until I was no longer sniffling like a baby.
"Geraty, I promise I will protect you with all of my being," he told me, moving my chin so I was looking into his chocolate eyes. My heart raced with nervousness.
"Wajemi, Geraty," Ahanu's voice had gone low.
"Hm?" I asked, inching closer to his face.
"It means 'kiss me'"
And with that, our lips sealed. He held me close, deepening the kiss. He turned so that I was underneath him, finally breaking for breath. I stared into his eyes with a big ol' grin on my face.
"I think I need to learn Abenaki," I giggled. He laughed and kissed me again.
"I love hearing you laugh. It sounds so right," sighed up to him, pecking his nose.
"My name in my language means 'boy who laughs'," he told me, running his hand down my side. 
The sound of the door-handle moving made us spring apart. CJ was obviously back. However, we were shocked to see her almost kick down the door and then slam it closed again. My heart raced - this time, in all ways that aren't good.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Some guy was following me. He looked all dark and creepy," she told me, handing me a huge tear of bread.
"Is this from a loaf of bread?" I asked, dumbly.
"Yeah. We keep it stored here for people like us. The Possessor actually takes a lot more people than you realize, Geraty."
I fell to the floor in utter agony. My lower back was really hurting! But why...?
"Geraty!" I heard Ahanu cry as he immediately fell beside me. He scooped me up and carried my to the bed, laying me on my stomach.
"Lift her shirt. I want to see if I have anything that can ease the pain," he ordered CJ, fumbling through the little pouch his grandma gave him. I grit my teeth as the pain stung like a bee's venom.
"It says 'I've found you'. Why is it in red?" CJ asked, her voice raised a little in panic.
Suddenly, there was banging at the door. Everyone went still.
"CJ, apply drops of this to Geraty's back. Then get her to drink a sip of it, too. I will guard the door," Ahanu whispered. CJ applied what felt like oils to my tattoos, numbing the pain. I sat up and took a sip of the liquid. It was like drinking straight-up oil; but I didn't complain.
I was too scared to complain.
Suddenly, the lights went out. CJ and I stood a step behind Ahanu with his pouch in my hand.
"Geraty Spriggs..."  a man's voice called from behind the door. "I 've found you..."

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