Chapter 1

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Crunch crunch crunch. Shiro walked through the forest. 'Stupid forest, why don't you have a simple cabin?' Shiro mentally screamed as she readjusted her mask. "Hey Shiro!" screamed a brunette, hanging upside down on a tree branch in front of Shiro, her usual grin on her face. "Hey Harmony." Shiro smiles underneath her mask. Shiro had a unique bond with the playful brunette. They've been best friends ever since they both went insane. Not to mention the both had they same victim, though Harmony was able to keep the heart, much to her content. Though Shiro was still able to take their soul. "You found a place yet?" questioned Harmony. "No,not yet." Shiro sighed as she pushed her white locks out of her face, well masked face. "You?" "No, wish I did though. My back still hurts from accidentally sleeping on a rock." Harmony whined as she rubbed her back, still hanging from the tree branch. "How do you "accidentally" sleep on the rock?" Shiro quoted the word 'accidentally'. "Well excuse me, I'm a very interesting person okay?" Harmony waves her arms franticly. "Yeah, I figured that out when I met you." laughed Shiro. "Ima keep looking, you coming?" announced Shiro as she walked around Harmony. "Yep, coming." Harmony loosened her leg's grip on the tree branch. Being well, Harmony, she fell off of the tree branch and face planted on the floor. Shiro looked back as she stopped walking, only to see the brunette in the floor. "You okay?" Shiro asked trying not to laugh, which failed. "Yea dude, I'm gooooood." Harmony was muffled since her face, well you know, was on the ground. She pushed her self up, to a sitting position, then stood up from there. Harmony brought both of her hands to her cheeks and gently rubbed them. "Good, the stitches didn't come loose." Harmony sighed thankfully as Shiro chuckled. Yep you heard her, she said stitches. Not only does she have stitches but she has no right eye, yep she removed her right eye.

Harmony looked at Shiro, only to see her staring off into the distance. "Dude, you kay?" asked Harmony. "Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine....." Shiro trailed off as she continued to stare. Shiro pulled out a knife. She doesn't use a knife to kill, she just happened to have one, she took the kitchen knife which belonged to her last victim. She usually uses her eyes to kill mortals, she only uses a weapon when really needed. Harmony noticed this and took this as a sign, she pulled out her axe from an axe holder that was attached to her belt on her blue skinny jeans. She knew something was wrong. Harmony looked where Shiro was looking, only to see a blank face. No facial features what so ever. Looking at the strange figure only made it come closer, and closer, and closer. Until it was in their plain view. "Who are you?" Shiro hissed. "No need for violence child. I am the SlenderMan. This is my forest." He, assuming it was a dude, gestured around him. "Don't call me child. I'm a teen. Not a kid." Shiro spat, clearly not liking him. "Yea dude. Oh and you seemed to be missing you're face. Need help finding it?" Harmony politely asked in a British accent. Shiro smiled underneath her mask, her friend being that careless kind of person. "Anyone one younger than me, is considered child. No, I don't need help looking for my face." Slender said, clearly angry about the last part. "Heh sorry Slender." Harmony apologized as she put her axe back into the axe loop, knowing he wasn't a threat. Hopefully anyway. "So, what do you want?" Shiro asked changing the subject as she put the kitchen knife in her black hoodie and dusted off her green skinny jeans. "Well, I noticed you two were killers. Correct?" Shiro and Harmony nodded. "I have a manor which is a home to all killers called creepypastas." informed Slender. "Creepypastas?" Question the two girls, trying out the name. "Yes children. Creepypasta. I would like you two to join us, it is a home for all killers." Slender informed again. "Us?" quoted Shiro.


Whale that was fun to write! Enjoy! Do you like it far? You better, anyways I don't own any creepypasta in this story. How ever I do own the plot. Shiro belongs to my wonderful friend LeFabulousDino. Harmony belongs to BirthBySleep.

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