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Felix was at his low. It was all over for him. It was the end of an era. The end of the great 'ol PewDiePie.

They stood outside an empty field, Felix being on his knees as he wiped off the blood from his chin with the back of his hand, Tseries stood in front of him an evil grin plastered across the big T on his red face. They had been fighting for days, months even. The fate of the world was in Pewd's hands. If he failed, he'd put not only his life in danger but the lives of other's as well.

The tall man stood up with shakey legs finding it a little hard to stand. He was losing his strength. He couldn't go on. Tseries chuckled lowly and pressed his foot on Felix's shoulder pushing down and making him fall. Felix groaned trying once again but the weight of the other evil cooperation's leg was stopping him.

"Hahaha it's over for you pewdiepie." Tseries said pressing his foot down even harder making Felix grunt in pain "I will take over the world now. President Susan Wojcicki would be happy to give me the throne. Your throne."

"... No." Felix cried.

"Hahaha. Yes." Tseries laughed darkly "Any last words Kjellberg?"

"I... Tell everyone i was sorry." Pewdie said with a sad heavy sigh.

"Oh i will." Tseries said before putting his foot over the other's head ready to stomp him to death but the noise of running footsteps and determined yells put his dark plans to a stop.

The red man turned around before getting hit with a stop sign and beat up on the floor with it. All felix could do was watch in amusement as a mysterious man beat up his enemie with a road sign.

The man stopped after Tseries was left unconscious. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at pewdiepie with a smile.

"Ha, thanks for saving me." Felix said sitting up and groaning at the massive headache he was feeling. Putting his head to his hand he sighed.

"Yeah. I bet fighting for months has you exhausted." The man said and took out a strange blue drink from his pocket. He handed it over to pewdiepie.

"What's this?" Pewdiepie asked holding the drink in his hand.

"A chug jug. It'll help you regain your strength." The man said.

Pewdiepie nodded and gulped the whole drink in one round. He gasped once he finished. Setting the can aside, he stood up without a problem already feeling better.

"Wow. I feel great!" Felix exclaimed.

"Yup, that's what chug jugs are for."

"Thanks man. What's your name anyway?"

"I'm jimmy," the man said "you can call me mr beast."

"And I'm Felix. You can call me Pewdiepie." Felix said sitting next to Jimmy to make things less uncomfortable.

"Oh i know." Jimmy proudly said "You're a hero. Everyone in youtulandia loves what you do for us!"

Felix blushed in pure pride. "Oh it's nothing." He laughed

"Too bad Tseries came out of no where and challenged you to a battle." Jimmy sighed looking at TGay's unconscious body.

"Yeah i know! He came outta nowhere. But you saved me kiddo, i could of died. You're practically my saviour."

"Yeah. I just had to step in no one was doing anything!"

"Thanks again."

"No problem!"

"What can i do to repay you?" Felix asked the other man looking at his beautiful face.

"Oh nothing it's ok Felix!" Jimmy said.

"I need to do something for you though, it's in my nature." Felix said.

"Okay then," Jimmy said the most crazy thing that came to his mind. "Take me on a date to uh... Chili's!"

"Okay, deal!" Felix said getting and stretching out his hand to help the other boy.

"Wait i w-was only joking!" Jimmy stuttered.

"Too bad. I wasn't." He helped jimmy get up and they walked to chili's hand in hand.

A:n: This was stupid. No one will read this. Im going to bed.

saviour// pewdiepie x mr beastWhere stories live. Discover now