|Chapter 1 - Shouto Todoroki|

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[Each chapter will show my own interpretations of how they came to aspire to be heroes. Please enjoy. ^-^]


The bustling city of Tokyo screamed in the dead of night, roaring to life. People moved to and fro, attempting to avoid the bumping into of strangers as they went about their daily business. Silently, the trees swayed in the distance, branches reaching down towards the earth in an attempt to greet any passerbys. To Shouto Todoroki, however, the world was a horrible place; Lava flooded rivers and created obsidian prisons, in which people were kept, left to meet their untimely demise.

Humanity was cruel.. Shouto was no stranger to this single fact. It left a mark on his pale skin and confused mind, just like his mother had all those years ago. Citizens were just stepping stones in the path of a hero, Shouto had figured, a small bead of sweat beginning to drip down his face.

If anything, Shouto didn't know what he wanted in life. Sure, heroism sounded rewarding enough; He'd raise a family, become a pro-hero, and be the most popular person amongst any hero agencies. But.. the idea of raising a family sounded very off-putting to him. If he had a family to go back to, it would be very shocking, yet pleasant, that much he knew. But, if, for some reason, he died during a mission to recapture, or firstly capture, a villain, then his family would be shattered.

He knew that raising a family was a big risk in a world such as this, where fate was unpredictable and humanity neglectful and heartless. He spent so many nights thinking everything over, laying in his bed until a logical reason to get up in the morning came to mind.

Unsurprisingly, Shouto was a naturally-born quirk user. Half of his body could summon and create ice to use against others, or for his own benefit, whereas the other half could manipulate and create fire. Due to his abilities, Shouto knew where the more powerful side of his quirk had stemmed from.. his dear old dad, Endeavor, the number 2 hero.

His quirk was that of fire, the name of it being 'Hellflame'. His father was a man who possessed unbelievable physical strength, as well as very keen eyesight.

Additionally, he was an abuser; His hobbies consisted of this, and plotting to overthrow All Might, the number 1 hero. Rei Todoroki, his birth-mother, was partially hate-filled whenever it came to him or his father. Being forced into an arranged marriage was one thing, but being impregnated by that very same monster was another. Being the spawn of said monster.. that was unbearable knowledge to Shouto.

His siblings went unnoticed for certain periods of time. Soon enough, they existed in Endeavor's eyes once more. However, they were only rendered useless by Endeavor, who screamed and tortured them at every turn.

Todoroki wanted it to change. He wanted everything to change.

If not for him, then for his siblings; This way, he figured, his mother would finally be able to be at peace. She'd finally be able to escape the war inside of her mind.

The woman he had always admired.. the one who had called his right side "unsightly", the one who had slashed boiling water onto his face, the one who had abandoned him and took his siblings with her, the one who had left him with such a hideous man...

The woman he wanted to save, no matter the cost, despite everything she had ever done to him.

It was on a bleak afternoon, on the 31st of August, that Todoroki had decided on something life-changing: Starting from now, he'd stand up to his father, he'd show him.. that he wouldn't be used.

He'd create his own path. He'd alter his future and make it his own. He'd never allow his father to ruin him or anyone else ever again.

This was Shouto Todoroki's turning point; As far as he was concerned, there was no turning back.

With fists clenched, a confident glimmer replacing the usually hesitant one in his eyes, and an unbelievably arrogant-seeming smirk crawling onto his face, Todoroki took one step into the distance.

This is my future.

I am Shouto Todoroki, the son of Endeavor, and the boy who will put an end to his career.. once and for all.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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