Chapter 1~ My safe place

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Pov- Paisley

I stare out at the great ocean abyss, soaking up the smell and view of it all. The ocean is such a mystery and that's what many people fear. I love control as much as the next person but something about it's elegance and darkness mixed together draws me in close and keeps on pulling.

Most admire the sky in all it's glory, but what truly amazes me is the ocean. The ocean is greatly expanded same as the sky. They are both similar but so different at the same time. The ocean is a mystery that leads back forever and the sky has been here since the dawn of time.

Both never fully explored and hold so many great tales. These beautiful creations so unknown yet so familiar.

At this very moment sitting here looking out to the place where sky and sea meet. I'm at peace, but not for long. When a standard ringtone blasts out from my burner phone.

I flip it open and press talk, not speaking in case an enemy happened to obtain my number which should never happen with all the pre cautions and methods I go through just for this life style, plus having a degree in computer sciences helps a lot.

"Number 97, the rise at tide..." Council member Gordon Cappernick's rough non friendly voice speaks through.

"Council member 7, the rise at tide took out 71, 55, 62, 81, 447, 309, and x- zenas project 34. Hell burned through that evening 7:04." I recited the mantra that got branded into my brain for life. This may seem like a simple code that could be written down by an enemy if they got a hold of it. But no it is a very intricate and elaborate process. For example The Council never takes incoming calls and they're always the ones to call first and then you pick up never the other way around, the way to say the code is also complicated, the numbers are said in singles but written as two digit and three digit numbers everyone working for it knows which numbers go together. And instead of saying night which is common for most people to say when writing or saying something instead of evening, which is why it is put it in as evening instead of that common term night.

"Good it's you, meet Johnson Gires at, Gallows Night Bridge, time 0500
(5am) hours, dress in a blue scarf, brown leather jacket, and hair done up into a single braid." He mechanically orders.

"Alright and what should I expect Mr. Gires to be wearing?" I question.

"He'll find you." He says to me.

"Absolutely not! I am not walking in blind-" Before I finish he hangs up. Ugh RUDE. The Council informs and makes sure to get it through agents minds at young ages to never talk back to higher power especially council members. But what are they going to do kill one of there best agents just out of rules, yeah probably not.

I guess it's time to leave this safe haven of mine and meet Mr. Gires

Wish me luck.

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