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^^^Prince real form

"It's time my friend, it's time for you to be formed and protect this world from eternal darkness" the old man said as he left the ashes of the Phoenix in the room that once belonged to him. The old man sighed and left the letter on the table before walking out for the ashes to do its work. They first get ordered in shapes of how Prince will look and when it was done, scrunch noises were hear before skin started appearing and in no time Prince stood there in his final form

He looked around and noticed he was in his room that he shared with his master and when he saw the letter on the table he panicked and picked it up in a hurry to find out what happened to his beloved friend

Dear Prince, if you're reading this then I'm long gone with a choice of leaving and coming back to help you with your mission or I'm dead. I want you to know it's not your fault, my Destiny was far important as you were and I can't keep this secret from you anymore, the truth is Prince you're the last fire bird; Phoenix in the history and as your duty it's important for you to protect other human beings and supernatural creatures. The underworld darkness will soon rise and you need to train the best and help other people to win this war, the destiny and their future is in your hands.

If you accept this important mission you'll be enrolled in school I signed you in, to blend in with other beings and protect them the best you could, you'll get a dorm with no roommate because I've got some stuff I Want you to do to help with your training but do not fear them. If you wish to make friends that is up to you but I advise you to do to make your powers stronger and to socialise with beings more

Sincerely, your old friend Agus

He sighed frustrated, he doesn't like making friends he can't communicate with them without them judging him and giving him so many reasons for them to not be friends. He's really old but the more older he gets the more hot he becomes, that was one of his powers, it was 1800s and the war isn't for another 120-140 years so he has time to train with different people in different places.

Under the letter was the list of names, it was mostly knights and some were his dear friends oldest and most trusted beings, the good thing was that the people specialise in different weapons.

"Guess I have no chances of backing down, I need get ready for my journey" he used one of his powers to create his clothes, this was his second time transforming into a human form so he knew what to do. He wore goth jeans, combat boots, a button up black shirt, leather gloves and leather jacket

Yes, he's goth or Emo or whatever. He likes black it basically speaks for him, he wears what he's feeling today I don't know if that makes sense, if he's feeling good he'll put effort if he doesn't want to be disturbed he'll cover his face and ignore people but like he'll ignore them anyway so he doesn't need any effort

He packs some food, water, extra clothes and he gets his bendable spear that he can bend into pieces and place it in his bag. He knows he'll be transforming soon since he can't be on foot for too long and grabs his cage

When he knows he has everything he gets his mask and covers his mouth, he gets his stuff and walks out the first one on his list was.... Lloyd Brown, he hated that guy. He never liked him something was off with him, the way he walks and creepily stares at him from the side it always made him furious wanting to bite his head off, but it's Agus he's friends with so he has to trust him and go along with it

"I see you've finally came" Lloyd said arms crossed to his chest as he scanned Prince who was cursing at him silently, he stuck his hand out for a handshake but Prince looks at his hand like it was some weird ass creature. He rises his brow at him

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