Everyone knows their back story.
Everyone knows who they are.
Everyone but me.
“no! Im saying goodbye to him!”
“come back here ya' little weasel!”he yells. He gets in his car.
I try to run faster.
Unfortunately, I was already going at the limit my small seven and a half year old legs could go.
The person im most close with meets me at the curb.
“wh-whats goin' on?” sky asks.
“well, im, uh... moving.” perfect excuse. I look up at him.
“no! Why? Dat is so unfair!” sky squeals.
If only he knew the truth of how unfair it was.
“i know. I have to leave now, but,
I promise I'll come back one day.”
he runs to our little club house, probably to let me say goodbye to our dog, buddy.
The car was coming fast, and I knew I couldnt say a proper goodbye to them both.
I start to sprint around the block, so they dont know whats happening.
I dont know when, mostly because it was like a snap, but everything went black.