Tagged I Was

12 0 0

(Created September something 2018)
Aight, I was tagged a week ago.
The hooman who tagged me was GadzooksZDrago
But I, being myself, was too lazy to do it. (hehe, see what I did there?)

Numero 1- Le Sexual Preference?

Idk, I feel like this is putting too much pressure on little ol me. I'm 96% sure that I'm straight. Again, I is a confoosed childs.

Numero 2- Es Penis o Vagina?

I call myself a fmale, I created it with my friend.
Fmale- A female who has a male like personality.
That was my def when I made it, but that is weird. What I meant was that I'm a bit boyish

Numero 3- Am I Gay?

Um. Well, I don't think I'm ever really happy unless I'm reading a book or with my friends and family. And those are only moments. I am joyful..but not happy. And atm I'm moody.

Numero 4- Song I heard Prior to Now?

Last song I heard was The Pants Song. BE MORE CHILL. Ah, that's an underrated song.

Numero 5- The Strings on My Head?

My hair is...black? Nah in the light it's light brown. So, es poop. But nice looking poop. Well, that's a bit of a stretch, it's long poop. I can say that.

Numero 6- Weird Name for My Birth Month?

I is un Gemini. MAAAYYYYY. I pronounce it like Jiminy in my head but not in public that would make me look stupid...wait.

Numero 7- Who I Connected Lips With?

I kissed my dog last. Actually, it was a couple minutes ago. He's the cutest, but he doesn't love me 😔. He does show me affection when my mom and bro aren't there. I guess he's bored. Oh, and when I have food. He loooovees me SO much when I have food.

Numero 8- Shade of Choosing?

I always say I like the color green. But I never wear green. Or have anything green. It's weird, I usually wear navy blue or black....I'm not enough. Wow. I typed emo but it autocorrected to enough. Both are true though.

Numero 9- Consuming with Joy?

Idk I like pizza. But 🤷. Not my favorite. I don't have one okay?!? I'm thinking too much, that's dangerous.

Numero 10- Percentage of Device?

Es 51. It's charging though. So, I'll give you an update at the end.

Numero 11- Celebrity Crush

Welp, I don't have one. I have Broadway crushes 😍
So bootyful. Aight, it just got weird(er).

Numero 12- Nasty Fruit?

You're joking, right?
Ok. I'm joking. I like corn and avocado (barely). So my favorite is corn. 🌽🌽🌽🌽

Numero 13- Color of Le Iris?

I have dark brown eyes. Sometimes they look black, my mom has hazel. I don't know why that's relevant. Oh, it isn't.

Numero 14- Size of Walking Tools?

I think I'm eight or seven and a half. That's a weird question. It's not like you guys are going to buy me shoes.

Numero 15- Dream Job

Well, shirt. My nightmare has come true. I don't like questions that involve my future! I don't know what college I want to go to, what job I want, or where I want to move! But for the sake of my fans out there, my dream job at the moment is...

crap. Sorry, I don't know. I know, you all are disappointed. 😔

And that's it!! Those are the things that the little picture up there wanted. Now you know stuff about moi. And it's now 59%.
Bye!!! Also I think I have to tag 20 peeps?? I'm doing it even if I don't have to. Hehe















Well, this is awkward. I'm just gonna find...more....people...







I did it!!!! Totally on my first try!!!! Okay. I is done. Bi

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